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Some people lay chicken wire over a garden containing bulbs for the fall and winter. Another possibility is bird netting held down with bricks, then covered with straw. Blood meal has also been useful. Or you could stick with daffodils and allium bulbs - squirrels don't like them.

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Q: How do you keep squirrels away from flower bulbs?
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What type of garden pest control do you use in your flower gardens?

Fences, nets, and repellants are used to keep garden pests away. They help in keeping pests such as birds, squirrels, opossums, and even certain insects away from the garden.

How do you keep squirrels away?

Squirrel feeders are one option for keeping squirrels away from bird feeders and other parts of the property.Specifically, squirrels really love nuts, especially those of the black walnut tree (Juglans nigra). It is possible to set up a feeder or feeding corner with a squirrel mix that is store-bought or homemade. Otherwise, it is difficult to keep squirrels away from a feeder or area of the property that has gotten their attention.

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No, there is virtually nothing that will repel raccoons.

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You can either shoot them or set traps up all over the place.

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Keep feeder away from trees and mounted on metal rod

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Yes, for maybe 2 or 3 minutes until the squirrel discovers the snake is not real.

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Keep calm and don't flap your hands. They will lose interest and fly away. If there are a lot of bees around, it is better if you don't wear flower-scented perfume.

How do squirrels keep from falling?

with their sharps nail

Squirrel hating neighbor has set live traps he was stopped from using kill rat traps so how do you keep the tree squirrels who are only running through his yard safely away from the traps?

It's just about impossible to keep squirrels out of outside areas. There is a squirrel repellent that might work but I don't know how you'd go about getting it in your neighbors yard. If you have access to the traps, spray the area around them with ammonia or fox urine. That will keep them away, supposedly. (But it stinks) Have the same trouble around here sometimes. I love squirrels. Neighbors suck!

How can you keep your plants watered if you go on holiday?

depends on how long you are away..there's these bulbs you can buy that automaticly water the plants for a few days

How so you keep squirrels away from bulbs?

Try a product called Liquid Fence, in a spray bottle available at hardware stores. It's about $15. The label says it's designed to repel deer and rabbits, but I find it works for squirrels too. You need to spray it into the holes where you plant the bulbs, on the bulbs themselves in the hole after you drop them in and before you bury them, and then on top of the area once it's filled in. Respray on top every couple days for the first week or so, then once a week. While not impervious like chicken wire or hardware cloth, it's much more convenient. PS. this stuff REALLY STINKS (it should also say "human repellent" on the label), but it works.

Squirrels ?

form_title= Squirrels form_header= Keep unwanted squirrels out. Have you tried any other remedies?*= () Yes () No If so, what kind?*= _ [50) Do you have any pets?*= () Yes () No