

How do you shoot my horse?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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It is almost always better to have a veterinarian put an animal down. However -- especially with horses & other livestock, terrible accidents happen in remote locations, and often a vet may be hours away. I have seen horses with multiple compound fractures, in terrible pain, that would have suffered in great agony for hours if someone had not had the foresight to bring a gun along on the trail ride.

Anyone who trailers a horse is also running the same risk. Ask some experienced horsemen what kind of Horror often occurs when a trailer gets struck by a large vehicle and flips over, or rolls down an embankment. I guarantee you that the first cop there will probably try to do the right thing, but up until then the poor horse may be screaming in pain. Also, a cop will probably have no clue as to WHERE to shoot the horse, and may cause more needless suffering. Any horse owner who doesn't know how to find the right spot for a bullet, in extreme circumstances, isn't being very responsible.

Bad things happen, no matter how much we wish they wouldn't.

Any horse owner that does NOT carry a gun when in remote locations is risking something really awful happening to that animal, and it's the horse that potentially will suffer needlessly just because the owner (no doubt a self-described "horse lover") can't be mature enough to anticipate the risks involved.

This is not a happy subject for anyone, and one that we pray we will never ever have to face, but if one is -- theoretically -- a responsible horse owner, it's one that MUST be considered, unless you are fortunate enough to be a vet and carry a little emergency kit on the trail.

I know this isn't an answer that will be popular. Sometimes the right and RESPONSIBLE choice isn't.

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