

How do you treat a colicky puppy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Puppy Colic is abdominal pain, caused by gas. The gas builds up causing pain. Causes can be a change in formula/food, bad formula/food. It doesn't matter if tube/bottle feed, natural feed, or a combination of both. It can still happen. Feed, formula may not be bad if only one puppy has colic. I am researching the subject as I'm holding a colicky newborn/5 day old puppy I've been supplementing. It was Christmas so all I had was eggnog. It was working well, I purchased from the vet a canine puppy formula today. Within an hour of the feeding he's whaling, knees pulled up tummy distended. I thought chilled? Put him by a heater he'd stop crying, pulled him back he'd cry again immediately. A heating pad would be the answer, with a towel over it kept at 85-90 degrees. However mines packed away. So I'm holding him over my heart for comfort, against my skin, hand over him for extra warmth. Some puppy's have weak tummy's. Purchase a feed specialized for them from your vet. (If caught off guard like I was Cow's milk alone is not a good alternative because it can irritate a puppy's stomach and intestine. A temporary replacement can be made by combining two egg yolks with 1 cup of homogenized milk or goat's milk. Milk substitutes for puppies can be purchased from veterinarians and certain pet, drug and grocery stores.) References: Puppies have to be stimulated to pee/poop, a mild enema may be necessary in colic. Use a wet warm wash cloth to stimulate, the mother does this when cleaning them. The gas has to pass. Mines seems to have only a minor case, as heat alone calms him. If it gets worse I'd have to give a few drops of cooking oil (dropper)/mineral oil ideal. To clear any possible constipation. Treatment for any colic is pain relief/laxative. I'd only if heat, oil (emergency) laxative from vet didn't work turn to pain meds. Ask a vet or try to research it first. I'd weigh my puppy, read the weight to be given on liquid tylenol. Take the weight recommendations divided by the puppies weight. See how many drops are in the recommended amount. Convert it to how many drops is recommended for pounds. Obviously I can only get a half/to a drop into mine he's so small. I'd have to mix it into a small amount of formula. Keep feeding, smaller amounts till it subsides. Some vets say hold food a little while. I did he's already quite now after readying up on the subject. It can take several feedings to clear the obstruction or gas that is causing the discomfort. If it's getting better keep up your treatment. Not to much laxative you don't want to dehydrate your puppy. If diarrhea, push clear fluids. Pinch a puppies skin up at their neck to make a hump. If it stays up, or goes down too slow compared to the other puppies it's dehydrated. Give some sugar water with a little salt in it. If it won't take it, it's time for subcutaneous fluids. It's fluid under the skin. Some vets will send you home with the supplies, and show you how to do it with Lactators ringers

130 mEq of sodium ion = 130 mmol/L

109 mEq of chloride ion = 109 mmol/L

28 mEq of lactate = 28 mmol/L

4 mEq of potassium ion = 4 mmol/L

3 mEq of calcium ion = 1.5 mmol/L

(molar-concentration-1)Readmore: A puppy needs 1 cc q 2.5-4 hours subcutanious (see- Some vets will sell you these supplies/or check a feed store. Emergency only-a diabetic syringe with the above home version of salt water subcutaneous fluids (temp), do not use sugar fluids can cause infection, irritation at injection site. Puppy colic can be deadly, so if it's not relieved at all, you see it's tummy getting no relief or larger it's time for a vet. Puppies only cry if cold, hungry or hurting. Puppy colic subsides normally within a year if a weak stomach, with a normal healthy puppy. Simply a little quick research.

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