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It is better to slowly wean kids off of their mothers, separate them for a couple of hours the first week. Then slowly increase the number of hours you separate them. Most farmers will just wean them by completely removing the kids and mothers as most females will already have naturally weaned the kids.

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13y ago
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15y ago

the answer is 4weeks old. although i like to keep them until 5 or 6 weeks before selling them. the female babys can stay with there mum alot longer than the males. males MUST be taken out at 4weeks or the will be able to get there mum and/or other females in the cage pregnant.

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11y ago

6-8 weeks is usually a good time. 8 weeks is better as they have more nutrients in their system so they are less likely to get ill.

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Q: How do you wean a baby goat from its mom?
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How do you wean a goat?

You have to shave its wool.

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Do you have to wean goat kids from their doe?

you don't have to, but it's more convinient for the doe and you if you wean it yourself.

Is it better to wean a goat at 8 weeks or let on mother?

It is better to wait to wean the goat until it is 12 to 14 weeks of age as the rumen is not fully developed until 10 weeks of age.

When should a baby goat be weaned?

This is a question that could be answered differently by every goat farm. On an average, bucks are weaned at 3-4 months, does are weaned 4-5 months. However, left to their mother's discretion, a mother goat allows the baby to wean naturally and longer than humans will.

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Why are we advised not to wean a baby before they are 17 weeks old?

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A baby goat is called a kid. When it gets older an can raise itself it becomes a goat

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A Kid. A Baby Goat (as well as a Young Goat) is called a 'KID'

Baby of goat?

the baby of a goat is called a kid.

How do you wean your baby pig from her bottle?

You can wean your baby take from her bottle by sticking her nose in a dish of milk. The milk will get on her tongue and she will begin to lap.

Why do your three 8 week old still suckle on their mom?

Mom will stop letting them nurse (wean them), when she is ready. They won't do it forever and you don't want to wean them when they aren't ready.