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It is spread by flies and is a very serious decease. There is no cure and it is highly contagious. That I know of, any horse that contracts the decease is unfortunatly put to sleep.

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Q: How does a horse get equine infectious anemia?
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What disease is a coggins test for?

Equine infectious anemia (aka, swamp fever)

What is the equine coggens test for?

The coggins test is a blood test done by vets to see if a horse has Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA).

Can equine Infectious anemia be cured?

No. It is similar to aids. IF a horse has EIA than that horse must be put down or quantined

What disease does coggin's test for?

EIA - Equine Infectious Anemia

How do horses get coggins disease?

It is a blood sample. The vet will screen the blood, searching for exposure to the virus Equine Infectious Anemia. If it is detected, it is usually fatal and your horse must not be exposed to the public or others horses because it is extremely contagioius.

Do horses have HIV?

Horses cannot carry the human version of HIV, but they can contract an equine version known as Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). It is transmitted through insect bites from an infected horse or through contaminated needles. EIA cannot be transmitted to humans and when a horse is found to have EIA it must either be permanently quarantined inside or euthanized to prevent spread of the disease.

Do you need to have a coggins to get a horse from Oregon to California?

Yes, its both a National as well as an International law. Some states require it to be current within 6 months, some within 12 months. Coggins Test is for identifying EIA (equine infectious anemia).

Can coggins kill a horse?

Coggins is not actually a disease. Coggins is the name of a blood test that detects whether a horse (or other equine such as donkeys and mules) has a virus called Equine Infectious Anemia, (EIA). So, no, a Coggins test cannot kill a horse. However, EIA can be fatal and it is contagious. There is no treatment for this disease. Symptoms of EIA include:High fever (105 - 108 degrees)Weakness and lethargyRefuses foodWeight lossIrregular heartbeatSwelling in the chest, stomach or legs.

What is the cause of petechiae in horses?

Petechiae in horses is when bleeding occurs underneath the skin. It is caused by equine infectious anemia, or EIA as it is also known. Red blotches are visible on the gum.

Is a horse considered a equine?

yes, a horse is called an equine

What is a disease that a horse can get?

O my, there are HUNDREDS of disease a horse can get. I will list a few, but in the related links section below is a lonk to the most common diseases. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Contagaious Eauine Metritis (CEM, CEMO) Colic (not really a disease, but most refer to it that way) Tatanus Sweet Itch Horse tick fever Navicular Disease Mud fever Equine Infectious Anemia Strangles

Is anemia communicable disease?

Anemia -- an abnormal decrease in red blood cells -- is typically Non - infectious. Some infectious diseases, such as dengue and ebola, may cause anemia.