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Carbon dioxide level control within our body is very important for our well-being. The body itself always tries to maintain a constant internal environment - this process is called homeostasis. The so-called homeostatic sensors detect if anything is lower or higher within our body than normal - this is when the body uses a positive or a negative feedback mechanism while trying to achieve the balance again. For example, when the carbon dioxide level is higher than normal, respiration is automatically stimulated to get rid of the excess CO2. After some time, the body detects that the CO2 level is getting lower than usual, it generates the respiration to get back to normal again with a negative feedback.

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The rapidity of your breathing is what controls the level of carbon dioxide in your blood; the more air circulation in the lungs, the more rapidly the carbon dioxide that is produced by your metabolism can leave the blood and be exhaled into the air.

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Q: How does body control carbon dioxide levels in the blood through negative feedback mechanism?
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