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It is mostly the light's effect upon a plant pigment called phytochrome within the seed. Light in the red wave length usually promotes germination, whereas blue light inhibits it.

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Q: How does the wavelength of the light affect seed germination of peas?
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When respiration starts in a seed has germination has begun?

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Warm soil and moisture for germination. After germination is when all of the other factors affect plant growth. There are Organic Seed Starters available which can change days of normal germination into hours. The best Organic Seed Starter I have used changed the 7- 10 day germination printed on the packet to only 24 hours.

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At the start, yes you should settle on any diverse peas

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Yes, peas can be light deficient. The vegetables in question have specific air, heat, light, moisture, and nutrient requirements as well as spatial needs. The over- or under-realization of any of the above-mentioned cultivational requirements and environmental configurations can be problematic, such as light deficiency in indoor- and low light-grown peas.

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yes catalase is present in soaked peas. water absorption does not affect the enzyme activity.

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yes they do they need all the light they can get

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Optimum pH for germination of peas is 5.8-7. At a pH of 8 or greater the seed will not germinate.

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What is the effect of germination on rate of cell respiration in peas?

Like most organisms, when a pea is germinating, or growing, it needs more energy. As such, the respiration increases significantly during this time.

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24 - 6 = 18. Except that the magic may affect the numbers left!

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your banannas will always be bendy and your peas will always be green