

How does waste affect the animals?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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9y ago

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Garbage can be put into several categories that impact animals:

Edible Garbage:

Food scraps in trash bins and dumps attract large numbers of animals to the free buffet. Insects attracted to the rotting food are a vector for disease. Vermin, like seagulls and rats, multiply and eventually spread out into the surrounding community. Others like bears lose their fear of humanity (become acclimatized to humans). When this happens they become a danger eventually leading to conflict which implies damage to someone and death to the bears.

Toxic Waste:

Toxic waste kills animals by directly poisoning them, affecting their reproductive ability, and causing teratogenic impact (deforming their offspring). These impacts are from the garbage itself and from leachate reaching groundwater or surface water.

Physicial Effects:

Waste sites and dumps can cover large areas of land impacting ecosystems. In water it acn cover access to breeding areas and cover the egg depositing areas.

As pointed ou in Answer #1 animals can become tangled with six pack plastic holders, broken bottles wire and fishing line which reduces their chances for survival.

Secondary Effects:

Whenever there is an accumulation of garbage there is someone who wants to reduce the problem by burning it in situ. This practice can lead to uncontrolled brush fires with their associated eco-damage.

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13y ago
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13y ago

well, if you let it pile up in the back alley certain animals will make homes out of it. like foxes. but they are a very bad thing to have, they will try to get you to let them come inside your home and steal your valuables... so put refuse in the designated refuse area.

other than that, they'll eat it and make a mess... and it destroys their habitat.

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9y ago

There are many things that hurt and help animals. Waste hurts animals because it can hurt their environment, it can cause them to choke or even poison them.

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13y ago

They probably should be taken to the vet.

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14y ago

It can kill the animals.

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