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It depends on how old the baby rabbit is. If not already weaned, most babies will not survive long without their mother's milk, a few days at best. And their digestive system will not handle many substitutes, such as cow's milk. While very tempting to try to save such kits, it's extremely difficult to do and has little chance of success, so it's often better to just let nature take its course. The baby rabbit will not suffer very much, will gradually slip into a stupor and then go quietly in its sleep.

However, if already weaned, a baby bunny may be old enough to survive on its own. Preferably, leave it where you found it, in its nest or other safe spot nearby. Do not be tempted to bring it inside and try to domesticate it, wild rabbits do not make good pets. Keep an eye open for predators and try to discourage them from the area. And perhaps supplement its normal foraging habits with a little extra leafy greens left where it can find them. But be prepared - doing so may mean you've just encouraged a new pest to raid your gardens!

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