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A Syrain Hamster can give almost the same amount a Dwarf Hamster can give to. The number per liter depends on how long the female has been active with the male.

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Q: How many hamsters can a Syrian hamster give birth to?
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Related questions

Must you separate the male hamsters to the female when it is pregnant?

If its a dwarf hamster, you can choose if you want the male to stay. If its a syrian hamster you can give the male away.

How often do hamsters give birth?

It can have up to 10

Do Syrain Hamsters eat banana?

Ya. It's one of my hamsters favourite treats. Yes definitly!! I have a Syrian hamster and I always give him a piece of banana and he eats it.

How can you breed a golden hamster and a fancy hamster?

..... A golden and fancy hamster are exactly the same kind of hamster, just pet shops give them fancy names to make them sound more specialized so people buy them. They are actually called Syrian hamsters. It is very hard to breed Syrian hamsters, as you cannot keep them together permanently or they will fight to the death. Your timing needs to be right, and unless you have kept hamsters for many years before, know alot about them, have researched and found out the actual name for your hamster, breeding is not for you. Insted, if you want more hamsters, go to a rescue and get some hamsters in need of a loving home and a bit of extra TLC.

Do hamster give birth or lay eggs?

They give birth. They're mammals, not birds.

What breed hamster makes best pets?

it's a good question. syrian hamsters are the good hamster breed. they are cute and cuddly. But after the female give birth to the pups you MUST separate the male, cause he might kill the little ones. ok i think this would help you. Have fun with your hammy.

How many baby hamsters does a mother hamster have at once?

Hamsters can give birth to as many as 20 pups in a litter, though six to 12 is average.

What is the length of pregnancy in a hampster?

The length of a hamster pregnancy depends on what type of hamsters. Every birth cycle takes 14 to 16 days for your hamster to give birth. This is a Fact: Hamsters take the shortest time to give birth to babies. Make sure you are responsible for those babies! I hope you learned a lot!

What are the different varieties of hamster?

syrian,golden,dwarfs,panda bear,black bear,tortise hamsters are all SUPER sweet breeds JUST DONT GET A FANCY DWARF HAMSTER fancy hamsters are cute and sweet for more breeds go to

What breed of Hamster do I have?

The most popular breeds of hamsters are dwarfs, Chinese, and Teddy Bear (Syrian)/Golden) hamsters. I wouldn't be able to tell what breed of hamster you have without seeing it. But I can give a description of each one. There are many types of dwarf hamsters including the Campbell's Dwarf Hamster, Russian Dwarf Hamster and Roborovski Hamster. They are the smallest of the hamsters with the Robo(rovski) measuring just 2 inches when fully grown, their colors range from white to dark gray and often have a darker dorsal stripe. The Chinese hamster compared to other hamsters has a longer tail (around 2cm) and a thinner longer body, their natural coat is browny grey with a dorsal stripe but other color variations are available. Finally the Syrian hamster is much bigger than Chinese and Dwarves and their coat is commonly a 'golden' brown. They can grow to around 7 inches when fully mature. The picture above is of a Syrian hamster.

Do hamsters give birth?

Yes hamsters give birth. They are mammals.

Can pandas give birth to hamsters?

I highly doubt that,but it may be possible if someone puts a baby hamster inside the panda.