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any light horse can be used for recreation

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Q: How many horses are used for recreation?
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Related questions

How were the horses used and why?

Horses were used for many things. They were used as transportation before cars. They pulled plows for farmers before tractors. Horses are also used for therapy for many disable riders.

What are horses good for?

Horses did have a good use back before machinery took over. Horses are now just use for recreation. People like to ride them and beat other horses on the race track. they are also used fo drassage jumpeng barrel racing pole bending and much more

Is recreation a significant area of water use?

Yes, water is used in many ways for recreation, from swimmimg, fishing, boating, down to deep-sea diving.

How is water used in agriculture and recreation?

Water is used in agriculture for irrigation and used as recreation for water sports and swimming pools.

What were horses used for when they first came to north America?

Horses were used for many things like clothes,food,and the bones were used for arrows

How many horses were used on the trail of tears?


How many horse in Ireland?

Exact figures are hard to come by but in horses used for sport there are over 100,000 horses, plus many more horses in other areas.

How are sailboats used today?


How is water used through recreation?

Water is used through recreation during sports such as; swimming, water skiing, and boat riding.

What are Breyer traditional horses?

There are many Breyer traditional horses. Breyer traditional horses are tiny models of horses that are typically used by young children as special toys.

What Indian tribes used horses?

The most common Indian tribe known for using horses is the Sioux. Many think the Iroquois and Kwakiutl Indian groups also used horses.

How many horses can you have on Howrse?

You can have as many horses as you want on howrse. One player used to have over 21,000 horses but sold some so she now has 18,000.I have over 2000 horses.You can have as many horses as you want. Some players have over 10,000 horses. Most people on horse have under 1,000 horses.