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Q: How many offspring of a heterozygous mating will have a dominant genotype for yellow fur?
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What becomes of a YY genotype?

In mice the YY genotype is lethal during embryonic development. This means that the mating of heterozygous individuals will produce a ratio of 2:1 Yy to yy offspring.A 'YY' genotype is homozygous dominant for that particular trait. If it is Yy, it will be heterozygous.

What cross shows homozygous dominant mating with heterozygous?

AA (dominant) mating with aa (recessive) -----> Aa

What would mating between a true breeding purple flowered pea plant and a true breeding white flowered pea plant produce?

Make a Punnet Square:White HETEROZYGOUS---WwRed HOMOZYGOUS--ww (this one is recessive because the white characteristic dominated in the heterozygous type)So:W ww Ww www Ww wwThese four are the potential types of the offspring, they will either be HETEROZYGOUS WHITE or HOMOZYGOUS RED, no homozygous white

Why is it difficult to determine the genotype of an organism that has a dominant phenotype?

NO, because a dominant phenotype could either be homozygous or a unless you are sure about the genotype of parents we can't determine it...but we can determine the genotype of a person showing reccessive phenotype, as a recessive trait always expresses itself in a homozygous condition...

When hybrids for a certain characteristic are crossed Aa x Aa the recessive genotype AA may appear in some of the offspring because of what?

Probability is the term for the chance that any specific genotype will occur in the offspring from the mating of parents. Typically the capital letter A (in this example) represents the dominant allele as opposed to the recessive allele. The probability of the possible genotypes in a monohybrid cross is 1AA:2Aa:1aa. The probability of AA is .25 or 25%.

A red-eyed fly mates with a blue-eyed fly. The offspring all have red eyes. What is the dominant trait?

A dominant trait, when present, is always expressed. So if the offspring of a red eyed and blue eyed mating are all red, then red must be dominant because it is the trait expressed.

What is the dominant trait when a red-eyed fly mates with a blue-eyed fly resulting in offspring that all have red eyes?

A dominant trait, when present, is always expressed. So if the offspring of a red eyed and blue eyed mating are all red, then red must be dominant because it is the trait expressed.

Some animals such as cows normally produce only one offspring from each mating If a cow showed a dominant phenotype why would a typical testcross be a difficult way to determine the genotype?

Because a cow only produces one offspring at a time, not several like mice, cats, dogs, flies or frogs do. In order to have a successful test cross, the species of animal used must have at least 10 to 20 offspring to study from.

What are the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring from the mating of a person with type B blood with a person with type O blood in codominance?

The offspring blood type with parents that have O and B blood types would come out with O positive. This is taught in biology. Based on the details of the question this initial answer is incorrect. Type O is not a dominant characteristic merely a common one. A person with type B blood could have a genotype of BO or BB so there are two potential answers to this question. The parent with O type blood can only have an OO genotype. If the parents are BB and OO then all offspring will be type B phenotypically and their genotype will be BO. If the parents are BO and OO then 50% of the offspring will have the BO genotype and 50% will have the OO genotype. Phenotypes will be B and O respectively. Since the question did not include any mention of the RH factor there is no way to determine that the offspring would be positive or negative. True codominance in blood types really only shows up with the AB genotype where the phenotype of the individual matches the genotype and the person has both A and B blood factors.

The mating of an individual of unknown genotype with one that is homozygous recessive in order to determine the unknown genotype is a?

Test Cross.

How do you fill in a punnet square?

An example of a punnet square is if you have the heterozygous Bb genotype. The punnet square would have a big B and a little B at the top and on the side. The first square would be BB, the second one would be Bb, the third would be Bb, and the fourth would be bb. the possibility that the child has the bb genotype is 1/4.

How do pitbulls reprouduce what type of offspring?

By mating