

How many years dose a cat live?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Here is a chart that I hope answers your question:

HY= Human Years

CY= Cat Years


1 15

2 24

3 28

4 32

5 36

6 40

7 44

8 48

9 52

10 56

11 60

12 64

13 68

14 72

15 76

16 80

17 84

18 88

19 92

20 96

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14y ago

Cats live about 15 years. Remember, like humans, it is different for each cat. Some cats live even to be in their 20's! That is like making it to 90 for a human! Anyways, happy living to your cat if you have one.

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How many do a cat live?

if you mean how long does a cat live, this depends on its health, some breeds can live as long as 20-23 years , if a cat goes outside this can take 5 to 7 years off its life span, a cat that only stays indoors or in an enclosed area can live much longer.

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I'd say no. It has never been done before. Cats normally live to be 9-15. If a cat were 100 in human years than in cat years they would be about 420 years old, which is not even possible for a human.

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