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A hamsters water needs to be re filled every day so that they have a full bottle. Often the best bottles are ones with a little ball that the hamster licks, this way the water only releases in drops and avoids waste.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

A hamster typically needs about 1-2 tablespoons of hamster food per day, depending on its size and activity level. In addition to hamster food, they also need access to fresh water at all times and occasional treats like fruits and vegetables. Be sure to monitor your hamster's weight and adjust their food intake accordingly.

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15y ago

As far as I know, hamsters don't need to be in the sun, but it is nice to let them out. I have a hamster named Muffin, and when I clean his cage outside, I take him with me. If you do this, just make sure your hamster doesn't run away. If you can't take it outside, give it light during the daytime through a window. As far as I know, hamsters don't need to be in the sun, but it is nice to let them out. I have a hamster named Muffin, and when I clean his cage outside, I take him with me. If you do this, just make sure your hamster doesn't run away. If you can't take it outside, give it light during the daytime through a window.

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15y ago

just fill its bowl up with food when its empty and let it eat when its hungry. all hamsters are different. if the hamster is not eating at all it mean it is sick and something need to be done

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15y ago

it doesn't need any.

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Q: How much does a hamster need to eat everyday?
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How much does an average hamster eat?

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As much as it needs, he will know when to stop.

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well I got this from a hamster list and it said it should eat low fat cottage cheese and mild cheeses in moderation

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It cost more to get a turtle all set up, but then they do not need a lot. They will need food, but they do not eat a lot. They do not use bedding or anything, just rocks and water. Hamsters are cheaper to buy, but then they have to be kept up. They need new bedding and food pretty regular.

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There is no recommended daily allowance for dietary fiber, but 20-25 grams is a reasonable range.

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ur hamster will be very slow in his or her movement and will not eat as much as usually it does and it will hardly move about

Can you eat carrots and beets everyday?

you can eat whatever you want but, the fact is how much you eat. you can but not to much. carrots are good for your eye sight and give your eyesight and give you a lot of nutrients same for beets. beets are very good for you just not everyday it takes away them anit-bodies in your metabolism and you need all your nutrients. just limit how much of carrots and beets you eat.