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I would recomend to start lunging when the horse is three years old. If you do it any younger it can be hard on the horses muscles. If you want to do it younger than three then it's better to do a free lunge if you can. (Doing it without the lead rope). Hope I helped!

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Q: How old should a horse be before you lounge them?
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How old should a horse be before it's not considered a foal?

1 year old; from then until age two it is a yearling.

How old does a horse need to be before you trim their hoofs?

as soon as your horse's feet start to grow longer than they should you should schedule an appointment with the farrier or ask another horse expert for advice.

What age should a horse be jumped at?

A horses should be at minimum 3 years old. Any age before that and their joints have not fully closed and it will cause problems later in life. That being said many people believe a horse should never jump before it's 6 years old, which is when the horse is most likely 100% fully grown and done 'forming'.

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the horse has to be 3 years old to get a GA

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What is the youngest an averige horse can be ridin saefley?

A horse should never be ridden before the age of two years. However it is best to wait until the horse is four or five years old before riding them as this gives them time to fully mature and develop.

Should an old horse be trained?

Depending on the condition of the horse, all ages of horses should be trained.

Should you keep your horse or get a new car?

Keep your horse and get an old car. :)

How old are the American quarter horse before they die?

46 years old

How old should a Haflinger be before breaking?

Well in general a horse of any breed should not be broke to ride before they are 3 years old. This is due to the fact that before the age of three most breeds of horses growth plates haven't "closed" yet. But you can work on the ground with a saddle on the horse at the age of 1 1/2 - 2 years old to get the horse use to being saddled. But there are a lot of different exceptions to this rule due to bone maturity of the horse, weight, height, etc. But a good rule of thumb is to ask your vet to check over the horse to see if he is ready to start getting under saddle.

How old does a friesian horse need to be before being broke to ride?

at 2 or 3 years is best but should probably be done by 6.