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without it being an emergency, i would take the dog to the vet as soon as reasonably possible. ie it is not a 3 am call out emergency but i think the next day would be reasonable to get him treated. call your vet for advice if worried.

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Q: How soon after seeing worms from your dog should you take them to the vet?
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you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. they will do everything possible to save it. they will know what to do.

What do hook worms look like it dog vomit?

If you're seeing worms in your dog's vomit, they are probably round worms. They kind of look like spaghetti noodles. You can't usually see hook worms with the naked eye. You should take a stool sample to your veterinarian to determine exactly what type of worms the dog has. Most puppies are born with round worms, but hooks are much more serious.

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This is very serious, are you sure it's worms? it could be something else. I advice you to take it to the vets as soon as possible. It could be fatal if a chihuahua that young has worms!

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Not on a general basis (it's water) but kittens are noted for worms (common) and you should see your vet and if possible take a stool sample from your kitten to the vets on the same day you are seeing the vet.

What to do if your dog has worms?

You should take it to a vet. They will give it a dewormer and be able to get rid of the worms. Preventatives can been taken so that a dog doesn't get worms.

How long does it take for the pills to kill worms in dogs?

It depends on the type of internal parasite you are trying to kill. Round worms should be dewormed twice. Should be done 10 -14 days again after the first time. You get the adults the first time but not the babies, so by 10-14 days the babies have grown up and you can kill them just before they reproduce at this time. If you or your Veterinarian has dewormed your dog and you are still seeing worms (round worms look like spaghetti and tape worms look like little grains of rice) then deworm again. Some of the worms you cannot see, such as hookworms, whip worms, etc. You should bring in a sample of your dog's feces or stool to have the Vet check it for parasite eggs.

Should you lick your dogs bum hole to see if its got worms?

No, you should not lick your dog's anus to check for worms. If you suspect your dog has worms, consult a veterinarian who can perform proper diagnostic tests and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What does it means when worms are crawling in your hair?

it would mean that you are a slob and should take a shower I hope this helped:)

Are white worms harmful to your dog?

Any kind of worm is harmful to your dog and you should take him to a vet to be treated if he is exhibiting signs of worms.

What should you do if you know you will be feeling pain soon?

Take your pain meds!

Your cat has a cut in his throat what should you do?

Take it to the vet as soon as possible.

What do you do when your hamster's eye is gunky?

You should take it to the vet as soon as possible