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how am I supposed to know all that stuff

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Q: How would building a city an a estuary affect the plant and animals living in?
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How does environment affect hibernating animals?

the environment can affect the feature of a living organism

Is an estuary is a poor habitat for living things true?


How will building a dam affect people living nearby?

the habitats of the animals around it will be destroyed and the fishes may also lose their habitats due to flooding

How do most animals get carbon?

Carbon is a basic building block of anything living. It is present in any plant.

What omnivores live in estuaries?

Only a few animals of the estuary directly eat the huge amount of living plant material in the estuary. The few herbivores in an estuary are mainly water birds, like geese and ducks, which feed on bulrushes and marsh plant seeds. Herbivores here also include some fish, shellfish, and filter feeders.

How did the natural world of New Jersey affect the lives of the first people living there?

New Jersey did not really affect the first people living there because it had animals for the nomads and twigs and wood to build a house.the nomads had animals to eat.there was enough bark and twigs to build a house

How do people affect the?

People affect the Taiga by living in it. Maybe, but can't people be harming the biome by cutting down the trees and eating the animals

Can viruses only cause disease in humans?

Viruses can affect animals, and some viruses can affect plants.

How does green living affect animals?

By living green we are saving the air and water for our animals and us as well. If we keep cutting down trees all of the animal habitats will be gone as well. By living green we give the animals a fighting chance, along with a better planet. For more green living tips visit

What abiotic factors live in an estuary environment?

None! Abiotic factors are non-living. Biotic is living

How does droughts affect living things?

it would affect a habitat because if all the animals and plants that survived on water would make them die out and all the plants would die and the whole animal habitat would be ruined.

How does the weather and climate in a particular countryplace affect its in habitants humans and other living things?

Well it does not affect use humans it affects are world and animals and it kills are world.