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Not necessarily. The ability for the hen to brood is an inherited trait. If the baby chick comes from production lines such as leghorn there is a good chance that it will be a non setter, if it comes from a dual purpose or heritage breed such as cochin, there is a good chance that it will be a very good setter.

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Q: If a baby chicken is incubated will that make it a non setter?
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What sound does a baby chicken make?

bak bak bak

How do you make a white leghorn chicken?

You allow a white leghorn hen to mate with a white leghorn rooster. The eggs produced by that hen are then incubated for 21 days and a chick emerges from the fertilized egg. That chick will grow to be a white leghorn chicken.

How do you help baby birds?

Make sure the parents keep them incubated. If the parents are terrible parents, or if the egg has no parents, then get a good incubator to keep the at the right temperature.

Does a chicken make a good family pet?

a chicken is good with any family whether they have a baby, a dog or kids.

What are some uses for eggs in minecraft?

When you throw it it will sometimes make a baby chicken.

Did chicken came from egg or egg came from chicken?

(Answering this from non-religious POV) If you think about it, it would make sense that the egg came first. (All birds are hatched out of eggs) But then that rouses the question, "Well then what incubated the egg?" Then you have the side, "Well, obviously the chicken came first because it could incubate the egg and hatch more chickens" But where did THAT chicken come from? It's one of life's age old questions. As we all know, the chicken (nor the egg) didn't spontaneously generate. (That theory was disproven rather easily) But if I had to give you the easiest answer I would say the chicken. (But then again, it is possible another animal incubated the chicken egg by accident.. Then AGAIN (x3) where did THAT egg come from, hm?)

Can you make a baby chicken hatch in the micorwave?

No, you'll just blow up the egg.

What foods are likely to make a breastfed baby fussy?

Broccoli and acidic foods such as lemon chicken are likely to make a breastfed baby fussy. The same is true for foods that are spicy.

How many times do you feed a baby chicken?

Chickens will eat 1 cup of dry feed every day. They each get 1/2 cup in the morning and 1/2 in the evening.

How do you make a chick from a egg?

The chicken and the rooster mate, making a spawn (baby) and the mother sits on it to give it warmth. Otherwise it will die.

Can you make chickens in minecraft?

Well,you can't really MAKE chickens,but if you break eggs on a wall or floor by holding it and right clicking, then sometimes a baby chicken pops out of it.

Why do you mince chicken to make chicken burgers?

to make it yummy