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If it is like that, cold and not breathing, yes, it is dead.

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2mo ago

Not necessarily. A stiff hamster could be asleep or in a state of shock. It is best to check for other signs of life (breathing, movement) before determining if the hamster is dead.

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Q: If a hamster is stiff does it mean its dead?
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What does it mean if you call someone a boring stiff?

it basically means that they are as boring as a dead person, as 'stiff' is slang for a dead body.

How can you tell if your hamster dead?

If the hamster is not moving or feels stiff to the touch, or if it doesn't respond to touch or other sensations, or if there is no involuntary "rise and lowering" of the body that is typical in normal breathing, it could very well be dead. Also, if the hamster is emitting a strong, "rotten" odor, it lends further credence to the "dead" theory.

Do hamsters go stiff when dead?

Yes, when a hamster dies, its body may become stiff due to rigor mortis setting in. This is a natural process that can occur in any animal after death.

Is my hamster dead it was fine two hours ago and now she is stiff and cold to the touch?

It is possible that your hamster has passed away. The stiffness and coldness to the touch are common signs of death in small animals. It is best to handle the situation with care and consider burying your pet properly.

What happens your hamster is still?

It is dead :)

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What happens when a hamster eats gum?

I imagine it could have some major digestive problems which could kill it... A lot of things can kill a hamster. Hamsters die from a stiff breeze.

When the extremities are stiff and rigid what kind of posturing is it?

Rigor mortis is dead stiff body, not really called posturing.

Is it mean to buy a hamster the next day take it back but only because it was identical to your hamster which died 4 days ago and to sad have a look alike because it reminded you that she was dead?

no. that's not mean at all. it makes perfect sense. go get a new hamster. love it to death. and remember your old one.

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What is it mean when you get a stiff?

To get a Stiff, or Stiffy, is school playground giggles for an erection

Do hamster go stiff when sleeping?

Yes, it is common for hamsters to appear stiff when they are sleeping. This is known as the "sleeping hunch" position, where they may appear still and their bodies may be slightly arched. It is a natural behavior and is not a cause for concern.