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Rabbits' fur thickens in winter.

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Q: In which season of the year would a rabbit's fur be thickest?
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What season of the year would a rabbit's fur be thickest?

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What season of the year would a rabbits fur be thicket?


When is the rabbits mating season?

Any time, but they are more likely to have have kits in the spring or summer.

When do rabbits next come into season after giving birth?

After birth, rabbits come into season next spring. They ususally give birth 3 times a year. 6 in about each litter.

What season is a male rabbit sexual active?

Male rabbits are sexually active all year round.

Which is the best season to breed a rabbit?

Spring time is mating time for rabbits, so around spring or summer.

Fourth season of the year?

The fourth season of the year would the Autumn, as the year begins with the Winter.

How can you tell if a female rabbit is in season?

Unlike most mammals, rabbits have no cycle. This means that they can breed no matter what time of year it is!

How long before baby rabbits are viable?

Baby rabbits are viable in as little as a year. This means that rabbits will be able to reproduce safely at a year old.

From a pair how many rabbits may be reproduced in a year?

Female rabbits are pregnant for only a month before they give birth but usually you would give them a rest between birth and conception especially if you are raising the young. I would say a safe number for a pair to reproduce in a year would be 3-4 if that.

The number of rabbits triples every four months If there are three rabbits now how many rabbits will there be after a year?

The number of rabbits per year for one rabbit = 3 x 4/12 = 9For three rabbits = 3 x 9 =27 rabbit

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