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A female pig is called a gilt from birth through when she has a litter of piglets, then she is called a sow. So you could have a gilt that is one day old or a gilt that is two years old.

Here's something to remember that might put some of these pig terms into a 'pigspective' for you.

Out there in the swine world, A boar hog who escaped the castration scene and failed to become a barrow, went on to breed a young gilt who turned into a sow when she farrowed some happy little pigs who eventually grew up and went off to market to become pork belly commodities on the Mercantile Exchange, and bacon on your plate. What a ham! That's sure a lot of name changes from its 3 letter origin!

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14y ago
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13y ago

a sow is a female pig that has birthed.

a gilt is a female pig who hasnt birthed.

so.. a gilt.

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7mo ago

Yes, a female pig is called a sow.

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What is the female gender of pig?

The term for a female that is any type of pig (guinea pig, farm pig etc.) is called a sow. The term for a male that is any type of pig is called a boar.A female pig is called a sow.sowA female pig is called a sow.

A young female pig is called?

a female pig is called a 'sow' While an adult female pig is called a 'sow', that term is not applied until adulthood. All baby female pig is a 'gilt'.

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A female pig that has given birth is called a sow.

What do you called the female pig?

a sow

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A female pig is called a sow.

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A male pig is called a boar, while a female pig is called a sow.

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An adult male pig is called a boar, while an adult female pig is called a sow.

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A female pig that has never had a litter is a GILT. A Female pig who has had a litter is a SOW. A male that has been castrated is called a BAR and a male pig who can breed is called a Boar ( or sometimes a Hog)

What is a name given to a female pig?

A female pig is called a "Sow".

What is femail pig called?

A female pig is a sow

What is femine of pig?

A female pig is called a sow.

The female of which animals is called a sow?

Typically a female pig is called a 'sow', but the female of the following animals is called a 'sow' as well:aardvarkanteaterarmadillobadgerbearchinchillacoatigiant pandaguinea pighedgehogjellyfishkinkajouminkmoleotterporcupineprairie dograccoonred pandashrewskunksloth