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Well no it isn't. Bunnies like iceberg lettuce it isn't harmful nor bad they will enjoy it

Actually, iceberg lettuce is harmful for rabbits because it can lead to diarrhoea.

All lettuce can lead to diarrhoea because it contains a chemical called Lactucarium; however, iceberg and other white or light-coloured lettuces have more of this chemical than dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown Romaine, Green leaf, Red leaf, etc). Also, iceberg has very little nutritional value for rabbits. For these two reasons, most experts advise avoiding iceberg entirely. Dark-coloured lettuces are healthy in moderation.

There are many other foods your rabbit will enjoy that are safer to eat. If you want to give your bunny a treat, consider a bite of carrot or apple instead of iceberg lettuce.

See the related question below for more information and helpful links about a healthy rabbit diet.

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Q: Is iceberg lettuce bad or harmful to bunnies?
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What foods are bad for pigs?

Light bulbs piggy pellets, fruits and veggies are the only things to feed a PET pig. edible farm pigs can eat basiclly all other kitchen scraps. Also avoid, potatoes, bread,rice, and meat, for pet pigs.

What are rabbits no allowed to eat?

Well.You may have been to a lot of sites, but, they are all wrong.what rabbits can eat:Hay.Carrot, especially - ONLY OCCASIONALLY as it is sweet and the rabbit will refuse to eat anything else!DARK leaf lettuce - give it light leaf, and it will go to rabbit heaven.KaleParsleyendiveescaroledillbasilmintcilantroculatrospinachtomatocelery - cut it into small, or the stringy buts will get stuck in your rabbits teeth, then it will refuse to eatWhat rabbits cant eat.lettucecabbageparsnipswedepotato + topstomato leaves or plant - these are poisonis.CLOVER. - People say this is a good treat for your rabbit, ITS NOT. Its couses mouth ulsers, and dihoreah.foxglovehoneysuckleirishemlockpoppiesbutter cupsblue bellsarum lilliesilydaffodils and other bulbsprimulasjasminesfairy primrosedahilalarkspursnowdropstulipsanemonies.Some people say that most rabbit foods are bad for your rabbit, don't listen to them! If it wasn't for rabbits, they wouldn't call it rabbit food. They can eat any kind of rabbit food.A good medium protein, high roughage rabbit pellet is all rabbits need to eat besides a salt lick and water. Everything else is considered a treat in todays world of caged bunnies.

Can guinea pigs eat dates?

no, its very bad for their digestive system, as its gooey and fairly hard, just stick to the usually food you give him/her like carrots etc (btw they love dried sunflowers!)

What does March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb mean?

March comes in harmful and goes out peacefulIt means it starts out with bad weather and end with good weather.

Why don't bunnies vomit?

No, rabbits are unable to throw up. This is why rabbits to do not need to be fasted (starved) before having a general anesthetic, as they are unable to vomit there is no danger of them choking on vomit in surgery.

Related questions

Is lettuce bad for guinea pigs?

Iceberg Lettuce.

Why is lettuce bad for bunnies?

its not

Can you wash iceberg lettuce?

Yes you can, but don't do it with hot water. The iceberg lettuce can actually go bad faster by washing it with hot water.

Why is ice berg lettuce so bad for you?

There is no evidence to show that this lettuce is bad for you. Iceberg has been specially bred to remove bitterness from the leaves, they have a high water content and very little nutrient value. In general, lettuce is a low calorie food and is a source of vitamin A and Folic acid. Lactucarium is a mild opiate like substance that is contained in all types of lettuce. However its theraputic action is concidered doubtful, or at best 'nil'. Between AD1000 and the 17th Century, lettuce seeds were used to relieve pain. Laboratory tests have proved that the seeds are non toxic and of little value

Is it bad to roll lettuce?

if you are you going to eat it. then yes. it will bruise the lettuce.

Are lettuce cores bad for guinea pigs?

Yes, as long as its romaine lettuce.

How do you know if lettuce is bad?

if it is rubbery and brown

Is it bad to feed your bunny bananaas covered in sugar?

No, but too much sugar is bad for bunnies.

Can lettuce be left out at room temp?

Yes, lettuce can be left out at room temperature but this will make it go bad faster if it is not kept in a sealed bag. Although lettuce goes bad pretty quickly anyway, in the fridge or not.

Why does lettuce leave a bad taste in your mouth?

Because it's brown, or bad.

Can cats eat iceberg lettuce?

Cats are meat-eaters. Vegetables are not their natural food.

Are broccoli leaves bad for bunnies?

noHowever, given his free will a rabbit will not choose to eat broccoli leaves but rather head for carrot tops, celery and lettuce. Too many broccoli leaves could be too gassy for your bunny. Remember give treats in moderation only.