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Q: Is it possible to dreadlock your pubic hair?
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Do cats have pubic hair?

no they have fur

How much money does it cost to buy a rat?

pick one out of your pubic hair

Does a pig have pubic hair?

Yes, a pig does have hair. The hair on a farm pig is big and course. It may not have a thick body of hair, but a thin layer all over the body.

If true why would a zoo shave the mane off of a lion?

Shave the Lions Mane is slang for a man shaving the pubic hair around the penis.

What is puberty in girls?

1. Ages 8-11 There are few outside signs of development; but inside, ovaries are enlarging and hormone production has started. The preadolescent breast consists of a small, elevated nipple with no significant underlying breast tissue. 2. Ages 8-14 (usually 11-12) Breast bud stage; elevation of the breast and nipple as a separate small mound; the areola (the area around the nipple) begins to enlarge, and milk ducts inside the breast begin to grow. Girls may grow considerable in height and weight. The first signs of pubic hair start out fine & straight. 3. Ages 9-15 (usually 12-13) Pubic hair coarsens and becomes darker. A girl's vagina is enlarging and may begin to produce a clear or whitish discharge. Some girls get their first menstrual periods. Enlargement and elevation of the breast and areola (less separation), the areola begins to darken in color, and the milk glands begin to grow. They get more curious about boys 4. Ages 10-16 (usually13-14) Pubic hair growth takes on a triangular, but doesn't quite cover the entire pubic area. Underarm hair may begin to appear. Projection of the areola and nipple to form a secondary mound. Ovulation (the release of egg cells) begins in some girls. 5. Ages 12-19 (usually 15) The final stage of development, breast and pubic hair growth are complete, and your full height is usually attained at this point. Menstrual periods are established, and ovulation occurs monthly. Mature adult breast, projection of the nipple.

Related questions

Which religion has dreadlock hair?

Rastafari ;)

Is it possible that you can get the crabs through condoms?

Yes because pubic lice (or crabs) live in the pubic hair and not on the penis

Can you have pubic hair on your breast?

No. You can have hair on your breasts, but pubic hair is in the pubic area of your body.

Womens pubic hair?

pupose of women pubic hair

How do you do your hair like brian welch?

If you are talking about his dreadlock hair? If so, you will need someone that knows how to do dreadlocks.

Does pubic hair turn gray with age?

Yes, it is possible for pubic hair to turn gray with age, just like hair on the scalp. This is due to a decrease in melanin production, causing the hair to lose its pigment and appear gray or white.

Why do pubic hair hurt after guys shave?

your facial hair is connected to your head hair and your pubic hair as you cut your facial hair your nerves in your skin tell you that your pubic hair is getting cut but is really not

Can afro kinky human hair bulk dreadlock up?

Yes, I have seen it done.

How do you dread hair?

You need to have it braided by someone who is experienced with that sort of hair. It is harder to dreadlock straight hair but it can still be done with the right technique.

Is all hair below the waist called pubic hair?

Hair that surrounds the "pubic" region, specifically that around the external genitalia, is referred to as pubic hair or "Pubes". Hair that appears elsewhere on the body is not considered "pubic" hair even though it may become more pronounced or heavier during puberty when pubic hair grows most rapidly.

If you have a lot of hair on your legs does that mean you have pubic hair?

Not always, some people get hairy legs before they develop pubic hair. Pubic hair starts to grow during puberty.

Are hair extensions come from pubic hair?

No. Hair extensions can be made from several things such as real human hair, synthetic hair, animal hair....but never pubic hair. That would be very unsanitary and besides, pubic hair is too short.