

Is there a bird called a Vulcan?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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7y ago

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There is a planet named Vulcan in Star Trek.

But there is a planet in reality named Vulcan, named after the roman God of Volcanoes. Because it is nearer to the Sun than of the Mercury, it is hard for us to discover. But some astronomers and scientists tried to find Vulcan, but nothing was every found.

But someone named Le Verrier noticed a black, tiny, and dot on a face on the Sun, which was 3.75 inches (95 mm). He thought it was a sunspot, but he saw it moving. Having observed the transit of Mercury in 1845, he guessed that what he was observing was another transit, but of a previously undiscovered body. He took some hasty measurements of its position and direction of motion, and using an old clock and a pendulum with which he took his patients' pulses, he estimated the duration of the transit at 1 hour, 17 minutes and 9 seconds.

Not everyone accepted the veracity of Lescarbault's "discovery", however. An eminent French astronomer, Emmanuel Liais, who was working for the Brazilian government in Rio de Janeiro in 1859, claimed to have been studying the surface of the Sun with a telescope twice as powerful as Lescarbault's at the very moment that Lescarbault said he observed his mysterious transit. Liais, therefore, was "in a condition to deny, in the most positive manner, the passage of a planet over the sun at the time indicated.

Based on Lescarbault's "transit", Le Verrier computed Vulcan's orbit: it supposedly revolved about the Sun in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 21 million kilometres, or 0.14 astronomical units. The period of revolution was 19 days and 17 hours, and the orbit was inclined to the ecliptic by 12 degrees and 10 minutes (an incredible degree of precision). As seen from the Earth, Vulcan's greatest elongation from the Sun was 8 degrees.

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No. There is a bird called a falcon, but a Vulcan is the name of either a Science Fiction (Star Trek) figure, or the name of a fighter airplane.

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