

Best Answer

Yes, i really think they are real . I saw one when I was playing Basket ball outside by the hoop.

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Q: Is there such thing as a black jacket wasp?
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What is a yellow jacket?

A yellow jacket is a type of wasp. It is a common name in North America for the predatory wasp. Most are black and yellow, giving them the name "yellow jacket."

What kind of wasp is black with white spots on tail?

There are several types of wasps that can be identified as being black in color with white spots on various areas of their body. The most common type of wasp that is black with white spots on its tail is a thread wasted wasp.

What makes a wasp a wasp and a yellow jacket a yellow jacket?

The insect that is called a yellow jacket in the US is called a wasp in the UK, so they are the same. Having said that, there are about 75,000 known species of wasp with widely varying body forms and habits.

Is the yellow jacket a type of wasp?


What is a guinea wasp?

Guinea wasps have a very painful sting. It is a type of paper wasp. It is yellow and black and often mistaken for a yellow jacket.

What is a bee that is 3 times bigger than a yellow jacket?

The cicada wasp looks exactly like a yellow jacket. The one major feature of the cicada wasp that sets it apart from a yellow jacket is its size. The cicada wasp is as much as 4 times as big as a yellow jacket.

Can a yellow jacket queen sting?

A yellow jacket is a variety of wasp, and yes, the queen can sting.

What is a sweat wasp?

It's a wasp or bee "yellow Jacket" that feeds off of human sweat!

Is there a bug that looks like a yellow-jacket but isn't?

A yellow jacket is a type of wasp, which is an insect. They get their name because their exoskeletons are black and yellow.

What is a four letter word for yellow jacket?


Is a yellow jacket also called a guinea wasp?


What wasp or hornet is very large with a black bottom with 4 yellow stripes and may have a brown top?

A wasp or hornet that is very large with a black bottom with 4 yellow stripes and a possible brown top could describe more than one type of wasp. It could be Digger wasps, or yellow jacket wasps.