

Is your hamster ready to mate?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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If you mean mine personally, then yes they could. But I'll assume your question is "when is your hamster ready to mate?"

They can reproduce at 6 weeks, but for the hamsters health, its best to wait until they are a few months old. But breeding is not advised. Really.

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Q: Is your hamster ready to mate?
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How long should you leave a male and a female hamster together to mate?

because the female only comes into season every four days, then you should but them together four nights in a row. if she attacks the male, then she is not ready to mate, and you should carry on until they have mated. when she attacks the male, then you should separate them immediately , with thick gardening gloves! when she is ready to mate then the signs are obvious, she will stand still and let the male mate with her. they should only be put together for 15 minutes or so, and you must always be watching them. if you leave them together for longer than that, then the female will get more and more active, and may turn on the male if he is still trying to mate with her. also, you should never put the male into the female's cage. even if she is ready to mate, she will attack him. always introduce them in the male 's cage or on unknown ground. i don't think that's true, i always stick my male hamster in the female cage and there just as happy together. it doesn't matter. my female prefers that the male is in her cage.

How long after the female emerges from the pupa will she mate?

the female hamster will mate straight away :)

How can your hamster get pregnant without a mate?

No, hamsters are incapable of parthenogenic reproduction.

Can Dwarf hamsters mate other hamsters?

If the male is with the female when she is in heat, they will mate. It's pretty much a given. They should be separated, inbreeding leads to weak litters.

Can different type of hamsters mate?

I think that different hamsters can mate because I think my hamster is a mix bread. I think she is a teddy bear hamster and a panda bear hamster.So she is half and half. She can be VERY GRUSOME and then she can be very loving.

Related questions

How do you get your female hamster to accept the male?

If the female hamster is not on heat they will not mate, so just separate them until they're ready.

What is that white sticky stuff on a dwarf hamster?

If it is on the backside of a female, it is just part of her natural cycle. It means she is ready to mate.

Can a female hamster mate with a female hamster?


Can a female hamster mate with another female hamster?


Can a female hamster mate with a male hamster?


Are hamster dad use leas?

ya...? sure is it...coz if ur hamster has mate with the female hamster will not mate anymore..i mean when baby was born will not mate anymore...bcoz male hamster tyhink that ios the female ehamster born with other male hamster

How do you make a hamster pergnant?

You get a hamster of the opposite sex to mate with it.

Can a dwarf hamster mate with a fancy dwarf hamster?

yeah of course they can hamsters can mate with all different hamsters

How do you put a female hamster in with a male?

You don't, unless you know the female is in heat and ready to mate. Otherwise keep them apart at any other time.

Do you have to have a boy hamster and a girl hamster to be able to mate?

to get the female hamster pregnant you have to have a male

If a boy hamster does not want to mate but the girl hamster wants to mate and so it causes a fight what do you do?

put beer in there hamster water bottel and he will be laid in ten minute!

Can a hamster get pregnant naturally?

No, a hamster needs a mate to become pregnant.