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Q: Many plants secrete a sugary fluid called?
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What are the function of the nectary?

it is the part bees go to to get what they need for honey Nectaries secrete a sugary fluid or nectar which serves as a food source for pollinating insects

The seminal vesicles cowpers gland and the prostate all produce and secrete a viscous nutritional fluid that carries the sperm This fluid is called?

This fluid is called semen.

What sugary liquid do bees get from flowers?

The sweet fluid produced by plants and collected by bees is known as nectar.

What adds a sugary rich and nutritious fluid to sperm.?

The seminal vesicle adds a sugary rich and nutritious fluid to the sperm.

What gland of the uvula allows it to secrete fluid?

The uvula is an extension of the soft palate of the oral cavity and does not contain any glands that secrete fluid.

What is the glands that secrete a thick fluid that becomes part of the semen?

This is called the seminal vesicle (actually there are two). The thick fluid is a sugar and protein mix.

Lung cells secrete this substance which prevent alevoli from collapsing in between breaths?

it is mucous in nature and is called pleural fluid

What do endocine glands secrete?

Endocrine glands secrete hormones and neuropeptides into interstitial fluid and the blood stream.

How do cows get milk inside them?

Cows produce milk through cells and glands located in their udder that secrete the fluid called milk.

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What substance does not secrete make up seminal fluid?


What types of epithelial Cells secrete mucus?

Goblet cells secrete mucus, a viscous fluid composed primarily of highly glycosylated proteins called mucins suspended in a solution of electrolytes.Goblet cells.