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She may be trying to hibernate. Hamsters are not allowed to hibernate. They are nocturnal creatures, so they love the dark. But she might just be storing food, to eat later my hamster does that, but puts it in her bedding! aww :D

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Q: My hamster is sleeping a lot and has lots of food in her cheek pouches why is this?
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How much food can a hamster store in its cheek pouches?

I don't really know how much food they can put in their cheek pouches, but i do know that they can hold up to 20 pounds of food.

What does it mean when your hamster has a growth on its cheek?

If its cheek is growing, Its storing more food in its cheek pouches. You should talk to a vet to see if this is normal about your hamster. For more Information, visit:

Hamster take much food in mouth?

Hamsters have very large cheek pouches for storing food for later.

Why can a hamster stuff so much food into it's mouth?

Hamsters can hoard food in their cheek pouches. That's why you see their cheeks so stuffed!

What is a hamster known for?

a hamster is most known for the wheel it runs onA hamster is most likely to be known for its cheek pouches. It uses these cheek pouches to gather and transport food and nesting materials from one location to another. As a matter of fact, the word "hamster" comes from the word 'hamper' which means to hoard.

Why is a hamster called a hamster?

'Hamster' comes from the German word 'hamstern', meaning 'to hoard'. This is a reference to their hoarding habits, they store food in special cheek pouches, and hoard it in their nests.

Why my hamster accumulate food on one side and when I push it up he spells the food out?

Saving food on their cheek pouches is totally normal, you shouldn't mess with it.

Can the hamster food get stuck in the food pouch?

yes its possible but the otherday i went to feed my hamster and when i went back in the evening her pouches were still full from when id fed her, i looked onto the internet and it said to stroke their cheek pouches over a basin to try and get them to spit the food out

What are some signs my hamster cant get something out of its pouch?

Hamsters use their paws to push out the food in their pouches. If a hamster can't get something out it would be constantly pushing at its cheek.

Your hamster threw up?

Hamsters can't throw up, so no, not really.

What does it mean when a hamster's cheeks are big?

It's not their actual shoulders puffing up, it is their food pouches! Hamsters store food in these pouches, also known as their cheeks. They will save food for later, and when their pouches are full it almost makes it look like their shoulders are puffy!

Why does my hamster stuff her food in her mouth?

A hamster has two cheek pouches inside the mouth in which to store food when out foraging. The pouches are emptied when back in the nest, and the food is stored at the back of the nest, for times when food is scarce.