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No that's blood, just cook thoroughly and enjoy

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Q: My raw chicken wings look purple are they bad?
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Related questions

Are chicken wings high in bad cholesterol?

It is not the chicken meat that adds to high cholesterol, but the skin. Eat skinless chicken.

Why are chicken wings bad for you?

Grilled chicken is bad for you because it can make you gain weight fast.\AnswerGrilled chicken is actually not bad for your health if it is grilled without much oils and salt added. Grilled chicken with oils and high amount of salts can produce a lot of grease, which can lead to acne and higher blood pressure. Eating a lot of grilled chicken can make you gain weight and obese.

Why are buffalo wings bad for you?

There is no specific reason why it is bad to eat chicken wings. Eating too much of any one thing can lead to poor health, but I've never heard of anything specific about chicken wings being bad.

Can purple look like blue?

Yes if you have bad eyesight.

Are chicken wings bad for you if you work out?

depends...if you're allergic then yes but otherwise no...unless you have too many of them. if you work out then look at the Canadian Food Guide, it will tell you if you can and if that doesn't help talk to an expert

Where can you get the song SOS Too Bad by Aerosmith?

look for aerosmiths get your wings album

Are chicken wings good for you?

An intelligent question. Yes, chicken wings are perfectly o.k. for you. One problem, you can't eat too many. Too many chicken wings, or never eating anything but chicken wings is probably not a good thing. So while they are tasty and good and not bad for you in moderation you can quickly pass moderation with chicken wings just as I do all the time. Four should be sufficient for any healthy adult.

How does a flamingo pertect it self?

it farts realy bad. it flaps its wings, to make its self look bigger.

What does the omnomnom monster look like?

A small purple mushroom with bad hair. Or a round of cheese buried in a sandpit. It depends how bad you smell.

How is chicken bad for you?

the chicken is bad for you because it blocks your lungs.

You cooked some chicken it smells bad after cooking it what do you do?

What do you do? You throw it away! Bad chicken is bad news!

Is it bad to have purple eyes?
