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yes. If your horse spooks while hes tied he may strangle himself in the struggle to break free. many horses have died this way. not necessary i work with horses everyday, i do knots so that if theres an emergancy i just give one pull and there free but so that they cant be strangled or escape.

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No, it is not safe to tie a horse with a loose knot that could easily come undone if the horse spooks or runs. This could lead to the horse escaping and potentially causing harm to itself or others. It is important to always use a secure, quick-release knot or a safety release mechanism when tying a horse.

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Q: Should you tie you horse with a loose knot that will give if he spooks or runs?
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When you tie your horse to a post you should....?

Secure the knot properly to ensure the horse can't break free, use a quick-release knot in case of emergencies, and ensure the horse has access to water and is tied at a safe length to prevent injury.

When you tie a horse to a post do you tie a loose not that will give if he spooks or runs or you should never tie a horse or tie a very tight not to stop it from getting away or none of these?

When tying a horse, it is important to use a quick-release knot that can be easily undone in case the horse spooks or needs to be released quickly for safety. Tying a horse too tightly can lead to injuries if the horse panics and struggles. It is best to use a knot that is secure but can be untied easily in case of an emergency.

When tying a horse to a pole what should you do?

Make sure the pole is sturdy and secure. Use a quick-release knot that is easy to undo in case of emergency. Leave enough slack so the horse can comfortable move its head, but not enough for it to get tangled. Always supervise a tied horse to ensure its safety.

How big of a cinch would you need for a 17 hands high horse?

The cinch size will vary from horse to horse, measure the horse where the cinch should be and that'll give you a good idea of what size to get.

Can you give human vitamins to a horse?

No you should not give human vitamins to a horse. They can contain things that are bad for horses and usually don't provided the correct dosages anyways. It's best to have a equine vet recommend a horse vitamin.

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Howrse answer for when you tie your horse to a post what should you do?

When you tie your horse to a post, you should: Tie a loose knot that will give if he spooks or runs

When you tie your horse to a post you should....?

Secure the knot properly to ensure the horse can't break free, use a quick-release knot in case of emergencies, and ensure the horse has access to water and is tied at a safe length to prevent injury.

When you tie a horse to a post do you tie a loose not that will give if he spooks or runs or you should never tie a horse or tie a very tight not to stop it from getting away or none of these?

When tying a horse, it is important to use a quick-release knot that can be easily undone in case the horse spooks or needs to be released quickly for safety. Tying a horse too tightly can lead to injuries if the horse panics and struggles. It is best to use a knot that is secure but can be untied easily in case of an emergency.

What should you do if you tie your horse to a post?

Tie a quick, loose, releasable knot that will give give if he gets spooked or tries to run.

Does anyone know the answers to test 2 on

When you tie your horse to a post, you should: Tie a loose knot that will give if he spooks or runs When leading a horse, you should walk directly in front of it to show it where to go: False A horse should have access to fresh, clean water at all times: True What is a curry comb? A tool made of rubber or plastic with short teeth on one side A horse can get upset if it is separated from it's herd: True Which season of the year would a horse need a Blanket? Winter When walking behind a horse, you should do which of the following? Stand at least 6 feet behind the horse Talk softly to the horse so it knows where you are If a horse's ears are slanted backwards, it indicates he is: Angry How often should a horse's stall be cleaned if the horse is in it frequently? Daily When you clip or shave off a section of the horse's mane right behind it's ears, this is called a: Bridle path

What should you do if your horse has a bowed tendin?

For Howrse : Give them anti-inflammatory medications In real life, you should first of all call the vet and he/she will give you intructions and medicine to give your horse to help him. Give the horse that medicine exactly the way the vet tells you to, and your horse will be just fine.

What should you give your horse if it has food poisoning?

you should give it a food poisoning tabletthat should help

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What can you give a colicky horse?

Colic is an emergency and you should call a vet. The vet will give the horse medication to relieve the pain and pressure.

Where can you get coggin papers for your horse?

You'r vet should give them to you.

How do you heal a stiff back leg muscle on your horse?

you will have to give the horse a lot of massages in the part of leg that is stiff and give the horse inflammatory tablets to and hopefully that should work x

Horse have ear infection can you give him penicillin?

Penicillin is not always the best drug to give to a horse, you should consult with your equine veterinarian to get an exact idea of what medicine should be used for the ear infection.