

Spider with a big orange butt?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Cat-face spider...not harmful to humans.

Try a Nymph wheel bug. They DO sting and the wound inflicted usually stays for 2 weeks.

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Q: Spider with a big orange butt?
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It is hard to identify a spider without knowing how big it is, where it was found, its overall body shape and other characteristics. This could be a common house spider, a wolf spider, or a garden orb weaver.

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I believe it is a type of jeweled spider.

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It is called the black widow spider (Referred to as the black widow), it is a spider with a strong neurotoxin. With respect to the body size, they have longer legs and smaller abdomen. They are usually dark brown, has yellow stripes, and a yellow hourglass spot.

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What kind of spider is mostly black with orange legs and orange edge around its body and is found in South Africa?

A black spider with orange legs is called a Spotted Ground Spider. There are 60 different species to this group of spiders.

What kind of spideris gray and has a big butt?

Spiders do not have butts - you mean a large abdomen. There is not enough information given to identify the type of spider, but it could be a Walnut Orb Spider like the ones I see in my garden here in the UK.

I have a spider in my kitchen and he is yellow and grey and black and orange and a little brown. What kind of spider is this could it be a jumping spider?

I believe this spider friend of yours is a jumping spider, although there are lots of other spiders out there who are yellow, grey, black, orange and brown.

Black spider orange smiley face?

it is called the happy face spider.