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there are way more than three harmless sharks, but the Whale shark is THE most harmless

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Q: The names of the three sharks are the most harmless?
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What are the names of the most common sharks?

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Both Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks can be found in the waters off the Virgin Islands. Shark attacks are extremely rare considering how popular the islands are for swimming, snorkeling and diving. The harmless Nurse shark is the most frequently encountered large shark in shallow waters.

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Are bull sharks dangerous? Yes. Bull sharks are very territorial, and they are one of the three species of sharks most likely to attack humans (along with tiger sharks and great whites).

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perfectly safe they are harmless....unless your a fish

Are sharks mindless killing machines?

No. When a shark attacks a human, it is usually by accident or it has been provoked. Most smaller sharks are harmless to humans, and the largest species of shark, the Whale Shark, is harmless as well. Most attacks have been mistaken identities. Sharks usually think that people are their natural prey, a seal, because of shape. Sharks go in for a "test bite" to see if it is a seal or not.

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