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Q: What animal is an important part of Makah Indian culture?
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What does the Indian tribe Makah's name mean?

Makah means "generous with food".

What are facts about the Makah Indian tribes beliefs?


What does makah mean?

it is a Indian tribe, love you girl/boy

What natural resources were most important for makah?

I know that the Makah are big fisherman, and hunt whales, so obviously water is hugely important to them.

When did the Makahs settle?

The Makah people first built villages in what is now Neah Bay, Washington, about 3,800 years ago. Today, they own the Makah Indian Reservation.

What were the northwest Indian resources?

wood was very important, fishing was important to. The Makah however, built dugout caoes to hunt whales. some boats where up to 6 feet wide and carried up to 60 people!

What were the pacific northwest indian's natural resources?

wood was very important, fishing was important to. The Makah however, built dugout caoes to hunt whales. some boats where up to 6 feet wide and carried up to 60 people!

What is makah's religion?

what is makah's religion. muslman

Could the Makah Indian conflict of whaling been avoided?

No time can't be altered. Source: Lost Season 5

What languages are spoken by Makah Indians?

The Makah people Speak:Englishqʷi·qʷi·diččaq, called "the Makah Language" in English.The Makah language is only spoken as a second language, but a revival plan is underway.

What is the climate of makah?

The Makah live in the farthest north west part of Washington State on the Pacific coast and on the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The warmest average temperature is around 74 in the summer and a high of 44 in the coldest month. It hardly ever gets much colder than the low 30s. There is about 94 inches of rain a year. It is a temperate rain forest.

What was the Makah shelter?

Makah people do build house and different thinga