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There are quite a few animals that are considered shy but confident sometimes and individual. Dogs are a great example.

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Q: What animal is shy but confident sometimes and individual?
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How do you ask someone out if your shy?

Well If you are shy just overcome your shyness and be confident ACT confident if you are that shy UR very welcome

Can a female be shy and confident at the same time?

It is quite possible for a confident person to be shy around people she doesn't know, yes.

Can a confident guy who likes a girl sometimes can go out of his way to say hi but sometimes be too nervous and only stare?

yes but mostly only shy guys she nervous and stares.

Can guys be confident and shy?

Yes. A guy can be confident and still be feel shy about talking about their feelings and personal stuff like that. Most men can be completely confident but still be scared stiff by the girl they like.

Do shy guys like confident girls?

At times.

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While being friendly can sometimes overlap with being outgoing or sociable, it is not necessarily the direct opposite of being shy. Shyness typically refers to feeling nervous or timid in social situations, whereas being friendly relates more to being warm, kind, and approachable in interactions with others.

What kind of looks do the girls give if they like you?

Shy girls dont look at u if the like u but Confident girls do so you have to figure out if they r shy or confident Good Luck

How do you know if the guy likes you is confident or shy?

Look into his eyes and have a conversation.

What is the opposite of being shy?

outgoing, confident, and courageous. Hope this helped!

Is it easier to date a shy person or a confident person?

Confindent person

Can a confident outgoing guy be shy and nervous?

Of course they can! It doesn't matter how confident, popular, or outgoing you are; EVERYONE is shy or nervous at some time in their life. Especially when there is a big change or decision going on. And if their is a crush involved. :)

What do you do if you are a shy girl and you want to make good friends?

Be confident, and look for people who share your interests. Many of them may also be shy.