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Kingdom: Animalia (neither mineral, nor plant)

Phylum: Chordata (nervous system)

Class: Mammalia (the females have jugs)

Order: Perissodactyla (hoofs, or hooves if you prefer)

Family: Equidae (more specific, single toed)

Genus: Equus (maned and tailed) *difference hippo, pig **like zebra, ass

Species: Equus Caballus (Horse)

*, **, I am not a biologist, but I do study female anatomy, wink!

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Chordata (in the subphylum Vertebrata). 'Chordata' means animals that have a neural tube. The subphylum, Vertebrata, means animals that have a backbone.

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mammals cuz they have hair, are warm-blooded, and have live babies.

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12y ago

The correct term is "What kingdom do horses belong to?" There are 6 kingdoms, animalia, plants, protists, archea, bacteria, and fungi. A horse is an animal, so it belongs in ANIMALIA.

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What kingdom do horses belong to?

Here are the scientific classifications for the horse. Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mannalia Order:Perissodactyla Family:Equudae Genus:Equus Specie:Equus Caballus

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