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Staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Corynebactrium, Listeria, yeasts, and some fungi.

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Q: What are 5 anaerobic organisms that do not use oxygen to respire?
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What are organisms that don't need oxygen to survive?

Anaerobic organisms do not need oxygen to survive. Some are even poisoned by oxygen. There are three types of anaerobes; obligate, faculatative, and aerotolerantanaerobes. Obligate anaerobes cannot survive in the presence of oxygen, and include the bacteria that cause tetanus and botulism, Clostridium tetani and Clostridium botulinum. Facultative anaerobes do not require oxygen, but will use it if it is present, and include yeast and the bacterial species Escherichia coli. Aerotolerant anaerobes do not use oxygen but can survive in its presence, and include the bacterium Lactobacillus, which lives in the human gut and is used to produce yogurt.

How do the aquatic animals get oxygen for breathing?

these organisms are anaerobic. They do not need air to survive.ANSWERAnaerobic implies that the organism does not need oxygen to survive, and anaerobic organisms are mostly bacteria, archaebacteria and protists. Marine animals most certainly do need oxygen to survive, they merely respirate in a different manner from terrestrial organisms. A fish's gills flaps pass water over their dark red gills, and from there they respirate, separating the oxygen from the water the same way humans separate oxygen from the host of other gases in our air.OXYGEN IS IN THE WATER!!! The organism takes the water and oxygen in its gills then puches back out the water and takes in the oxygen.

Do producers photosynthesize?

Yes, within the food chain, plants are classified as the produces because they are the living organisms that produce their own food and energy. This is through photosynthesis. Animals are classified as consumers because regardless of whether they are herbivores or carnivores, they have to consume something in order to get energy.

What three things do fish and waterweed have in common?


Difference between anaerobic and Aerobic respiration with horse?

Aerobic respiration is a process of cellular respiration that uses the oxygen in order to break down the molecules, which then release electrons and creating energy. Anaerobic respiration does not need the oxygen. It happens when there is not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration. Basicly it is the same with horses and humans, and what it means is that for example cross country horses are not galloping at the top speed between the fences because they would not have enough energy after first two or three fences due to lack of oxygen in their bodies. Therefore they use all the energy on jumping over the fences and then they have steady canter to gain the energy they have lost for the next fences. Hope it gives you the basic idea of what is happening in each of above processes.

Related questions

How microbes are classified based on their oxygen preferences?

On the basis of oxygen requirement microorganisms are classified asAerobes: organisms that use molecular oxygen as electron acceptor.Anaerobes: organisms that use some molecule other than molecular oxygen as electron acceptor.Facultative organisms : organisms that can use either molecular oxygen or some other chemical compound as electron acceptor.

Which type of respiration uses oxygen?

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen it is main source of energy in nearly all multicellular organisms and many unicellular animals.

When an organism can survive without oxygen it is called this?

An organism is described as anaerobic [from the Greek word "an" (opposite) and "aerobio" (air-lived)] if it does not require oxygen in order to survive. Instead, anaerobic organisms use anaerobic respiration to obtain energy from food. Most anaerobic organisms are microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and internal parasites that live in places where there is never much oxygen, such as in the mud at the bottom of a lake or pond, or in the alimentary canal. Anaerobic organisms release much less of the available energy from their food than do aerobic organisms.

Why must brewers take special care to prevent air from entering fermentation tanks?

There are anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria thrive in oxygen rich environments. Oxygen is potentially lethal to anaerobic bacteria. If the system is set up to use anaerobic bacteria, you want to keep out the air which brings in oxygen to maintain the best environment for the desired bacteria.

What is the name of an organism that requires oxygen?

Organisms which need oxygen are called aerobic organisms or aerobes. The oxygen is used in the process of respiration to release energy from food. Organisms which do not use oxygen in respiration are called anaerobic organisms or anaerobes. See:

Does glycolysis operate under aerobic or anaerobic conditions?

It isn't, it is a strictly anaerobic process. However it may occur in organisms that use oxygen in a related process.

Are snow leopards anaerobic or aerobic?

All "higher" animals, including snow leopards use oxygen for respiration and are therefore aerobic. Anaerobic organisms do not require oxygen in their metabolism and for some oxygen is poisonous. Anaerobes are essentially what we would regard as primitive organisms such as some bacteria and yeasts.

Why is the citric acid cycle called an anaerobic cycle when it does not use oxygen?

The fact that it does not use oxygen is precisely why it is anaerobic. Anaerobic means without oxygen. If it did use oxygen, it'll be called aerobic.

In what situation does anaerobic take place?

Anaerobic respiration takes place in situations where the body isn't getting enough oxygen.

Organisms that are poisoned by oxygen and must live in very low oxygen regions are called?

Obligate anaerobes are poisoned by O2 and use fermentation or anaerobic respiration

What is an anaerobic function?

An anaerobic function is one that does not use oxygen.

How do we use oxygen?

To respire - create energy from food