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Cell's that create their own food out of light energy are called plant cells. Plants is the organism made out of plant cells. A plant cell is part of a cell category called Eukaryotes. Eukaryotes contain both animal and plant cells.

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Almost all plants do that.

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Q: What are plants called when they make their own food of light energy?
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The release of energy in plants and animals from food is called?

The release of energy in plants and animals is called respiration.

Why do all animals depends on plants for food?

Look at it this way:-All life needs energy, to grow, move, reproduce etc.The source of this energy is the light from our local star (the Sun).Animals can not make thir own food or use of sunlight directly - they obtain the energy they need by eating plants or other animals that eat plants. Animals are consumers.Plants however can make direct use of sunlight, their green leaves trap the sunlight and store the energy of the sunlight as chemical energy in sugars which they produce. Plants are therefore called producers.Thus as you can see plants form the basis of the energy supply for all animals.

Why must animals eat food but plants do not have to?

To tell you the truth plants DO eat, you just never see them do it. Here's how it works. The plants take carbon dioxide and and energy and the plant mixes it up and it turns into a sugar called glucose. Glucose is the plants food. So there you have it. plants do kind of eat it they using the energy from sunlight called Photosynthesis i think

Why photosynthetic tissues are not found in animals?

Chlorophyll is used by plants to capture light energy during photosynthesis, plants use photosynthesis to make their food. Animals do not make their own food they get their food ready made so the don't to do photosynthesis or have chlorophyll

Animals that cannot make their own food and must eat other animals or plants to get energy are called what food relationships show where organisms get their food each member on the chain feed?


Related questions

What Organelles in plants that convert light energy to food during photosynthesis are?

Chloroplasts convert light energy to food during photosynthesis in plants.

What organelles in plants convert light energy to food during photosynthesis are?

Chloroplasts convert light energy to food during photosynthesis in plants.

What is the chemical in which plants turn light energy from the sun into chemical energy or food called?

This chemical is chlorophyll.

The process by which plants capture light energy and change it into food?

this process is called photosynthesis (photo-light, synthesis-to prepare).

What chemical in plants help trap light energy to make food?

The chemical found in plants that traps light to make food is called chlorophll, plants make their food ina procces called photosynthisis.

What provides energy for plants?

The energy from the sun, goes into the leaves and and the leaves provide food for the rest of the plant. The green color of the leaves is created from the energy of the sun and it is called chlorophyll.

Which part of the plants enables them to make food?

plants enables to make food because they have a chlorophyll. chlorophyll is a green pigment that can usually found on green traps light energy from the sun,they convert light energy into chemical energy. this process is what we called which means light and synthesis means combining together.

What process is used is by some producers to convert light energy into chemical energy?

The process is called photosynthesis it is used by plants to get their energy and make food using chlorophyll.Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy.

What process is used by some producers convert light energy into chemical energy?

The process is called photosynthesis it is used by plants to get their energy and make food using chlorophyll.Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy.

What process is used by some producers to convert light energy into chemical energy?

The process is called photosynthesis it is used by plants to get their energy and make food using chlorophyll.Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy.

The food making process by Which green plants converts the light from the sun into usable chemical energy is called?


What is the process called when plants make energy using the suns light and water?

The process when plants use the sun and rain to create energy is called 'photosynthesis'. Photosynthesis is the act of a plant creating its own food.