

What are predators of snakes?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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The most common predators of snakes are probably Birds of Prey, but depending on its location there is various others including American Alligators, Lemurs, Mongoose, Bobcats, other snakes, and even rodents. A snake makes a tasty meal for your house cat too, King Snakes and Milk Snakes are immune to various types of venoms depending on the species and will kill and eat Rattlesnakes, Coral Snakes, Vipers, some Old World King Snakes can even take a Cobra, and of course other King Snakes and Milk Snakes are not an exception. Most animals will take the oppurtunity to kill and eat a snake if it presents itself, even mice and rats. Most common in captivity does a snake become food for rodents, an inexperienced keeper may leave live prey unattended with their snake. Corn Snakes for example only kill to eat and will not kill for defense, in the wild they flee. Since there is nowhere to flee when in a tank and no food for the live rodent, a snake that does not eat is usually chased around constantly and biten at until it either bleeds to death or in some cases dies due stress of the situation. Animals like Mongoose and Lemurs are readily equipped and more than adept at killing Cobra's and Rat Snakes, even large Tarantula's have been caught on film ambushing and consuming snakes, and with the recent escape of numerous Large Python and Boas, most due to the Hurricane's Rita and Katrina, American Alligators have been re-located to various areas of the Southern United States to control they're population and impact on Native Species. Hope this helped.

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Large birds, raccoons, coyotes and even other snakes are natural predators of snakes. Foxes and wild boars also are known predators.

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