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Antispasmodic drugs are prescribed for some canines to control irritable bowel disease. The most common one prescribed is Aminopentamide, or Centrine.

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Q: What are some canine antispasmodic drugs?
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What are antispasmodic drugs used to treat?

Antispasmodic drugs have been used to treat stomach cramps. Traditionally, they were used to treat stomach ulcers, but for this purpose they have largely been replaced by the acid inhibiting compoundsa, the H-2 receptor blockers

What is an antispasmodic?

An antispasmodic is a drug which suppresses spasms.

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There is no curable or preventive treatment for HSP, except for antispasmodic drugs to reduce muscle spasms.

What are the side effects of antispasmodic drugs?

dizziness, drowsiness, lightheadedness, nausea, nervousness, blurred vision, dry mouth, and weakness. Other side effects may occur.

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Antispasmodic, anticoagulant.

What is antispasmodics?

An antispasmodic is a drug which suppresses spasms.

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Lobelia (Lobelia inflata ) and myrrh (Commiphora molmol ) are two examples of antispasmodic herbs.

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If aliens exist, some alien races could possibly have canine characteristics, such as dogs, wolves, foxes, etc.

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Contributions of the Aztecs?

Some contributions that were made by the Aztecs are popcorn, chocolate, and gum. They also invented terraced irrigation and used antispasmodic medicines.