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Mitosis, budding, vegetative propagation, sporulaition, binary fission Mitosis in humans repairs body cells and therefore reproduces identical cells. Ie: you get a cut on your hand, mitosis goes to work to make new, identical skin cells to repair that cut. Budding occurs in yeast, hydra for example. Budding is when a bud grows on an adult and eventually detaches itself from the adult (or parent) plant to form on its own. Genetically they are identical, but size they are different. Binary fission occurs in amoeba, paramecia, and bacteria. Produces genetically identical offspring, along with the same size. Binary = 2 Fission = split. so it's an even split into 2 new organisms. Sporulation is how mold grows. Spores are contained in spore cases which have a tough outer coating and pop when conditions are favorable. An example of vegetative propagation is strawberries that grow on stolons. These stolons are horizontal, trailing stems that root away from the parent plant. Once roots are established, stolons will break off and plant will be genetically identical to its parent, but independent of it.

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16y ago
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13y ago

An example of asexual reproduction would be plants, who are both male and female. The bees collect pollen(male hormone) and transfer it into the female reproductive system when they make honey. The bees get attracted to certain parts plant where they get there stuff. Anyway the pollen mixes into the female hormone and creates a seed that falls onto the ground.

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14y ago

1) binary fussion in Amoeba

2) multiple fussion in Plasmodium

3) Fragmentation in spirogyra

4) Regeneration in planaria

5) Budding in Hydra

6) vegetation propogation in Bryophyllum

7) Spore formation in Rizopus

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12y ago

Asexual reproduction involves a single parent - such as when a plant grows from a cutting (vegetative reproduction).

Another example is in Brewer's yeast - when a small daughter cell appears on the side of the larger parent cell (budding).

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13y ago

A good example of asexual reproduction would be the aphid, or greenfly. Certain species of which do not lay eggs or larvae, instead they are born in the manner comparable to mammals, giving birth to fully developed, if a little small, young.

The more unusual aspect, and to the point, these young are often born pregnant, and able to give birth to their young only a short while after being born themselves. Using this method, aphids are able to cover a plant of their liking within, just a short while, and all from a single parent.

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14y ago

asexual reproduction = reproduction without genetic recombination i.e. with humans, recombination between maternal and paternal genes
this is seen in bacteria as they reproduce via binary fission into exact replicates. only one bacteria is required, not two and no recombination (unless you consider conjugation)

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4w ago

Some examples of asexual reproduction include binary fission in bacteria, budding in yeast, regeneration in starfish, and spore formation in fungi.

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11y ago

Binary fission of bacteria

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Examples of structures that are part of asexual reproduction in some plants are rhizomes and bulbs. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are similar genetically to the parent.

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Asexual reproduction may be prominent in bacterias. Some protists may also undergo asexual reproduction at some stage of their lives.

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"Asexual reproduction" is typically written as two words.

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This type of reproduction is called asexual reproduction. It involves the production of offspring from a single parent without the fusion of gametes. Examples include binary fission in bacteria and regeneration in some multicellular organisms.

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Budding and regeneration are two types of asexual reproduction, where a new organism is produced from the parent organism without the need for fertilization.

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some single cell organisems are considered animals and they have asexual reproduction

Bacterium dividing in two and a hydra budding are examples of what?

Asexual reproduction.

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Asexual reproduction refers to the type of reproduction whereby an offspring inherits all the genes from a single parent. Examples include budding and vegetative propagation.

Do protists hsve an asexual reproduction?

no they do not "hsve" asexual reproduction they "have" asexual reproduction...

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Examples of asexual reproduction Must Be Tantamount to everything, seeing as how the two sexes became differentiated 600 million years ago.