

What are some fluffy cat breeds?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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These are all the longhaired cats so I guess they are pretty fluffy

American Longhair, Balinese, Birman, British Longhair, Burmilla (sometimes), Cymric, Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian, Javanese, Kurilia Ragdoll, American Bobtail, Maine Coon, Nebelung, Norwegian Forest Cat, Persian, Ragamuffin, Siberian, Somali, Turkish Angora

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Cats with long fur (usually termed "Longhair") usually have fluffy tails. Some mixed breeds and some certain purebreeds are Longhaired, so going by fur alone is not a good indicator of breed. Examples of longhaired breeds with very fluffy tails include: Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Persian and Ragdoll. However, mixed breed cats can also have very fluffy tails also.

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Google for "cat breeds". There is thousands. Like Ragdoll and Persian for example.

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How good is the CAT?

It depends. Some cat breeds are aggressive and solitary. others are affectionate and kind like to Tiffany and the Maine Coon which are two beautiful and VERY affectionate cats. I own a Maine Coon. There is not ONE generalization to sum up how good all cats are. Do some research on nice cat breeds and mean cat breeds.

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Devon Rex

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It could be a fluffy white cat or a fluffy white bunny or maybe a polar bear !

Are there any cat breeds that start with the letter I?

There are currently no cat breeds that begin with the letter 'i'.

What do the Burmese and Siamese cat breeds have in common?

Yes, the Burmese cat breed is closely related to the Siamese cat breed.

What are some tipes of cats?

According to the Cat Fancier's Association, the most popular breeds of cat are: 1 - Persian 2 - Maine Coon 3 - Siamese 4 - Exotic 5 - Abyssinian