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Some South American animals with unusual characteristics are: the capybara (largest rodent), Sloth (slowest mamel) Anaconda and Piranha( longest snake and a flesh eating fish) rhea(like an ostrich) llama(pack animal who spits )!

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Q: What are some native North American animals and plants?
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What are some rarely North American animals and plants?

Vincristine, Periwinkles

Why did north America develop unique plants and animals?

Settlers from all over the world brought animals and plants native to their homelands over on ships. Some were brought by accident (e.i. rats and other rodents) while others were brought purposefully (e.i. horses) the columbian exchange (the trading between Europe, Africa, and North America), also introduced many new plant species (e.i. as well as domesticated animals to North America. Many of these animals and plants adapted in their own ways to climate change from their native land to north American climate in order to survive.

What native groups are in North Dakota?

If you mean Native American groups, there currently are the Turtle Mountain Chippewa, the Standing Rock Sioux, the Spirit Lake Sioux, the Hidatsa, the Mandan, and the Arikara. Other native groups could be animals, plants, soils, etc.

How can animals changes an ecosystem?

North American animals and plants are moving farther north or to higher elevations to find suitable places to live. Climate change also alters the life cycles of plants and animals.

What plants and animals lived in North America 10000 years ago?

American bison

What native plants need fire to germinate?

North American conifer trees are one good example.

Do eastern woodlans have farmers?

Yes, the Native Americans there did grow crops and the colonists did as well. In fact, they brought in plants, animals, and insects not native to North America.

How many animals are in North America?

There are hundreds of types of animals in America. Some of the native species are: American Bison, American beaver, White-Tailed Deer, and many others!

Are native American and north American the same?

No, while many who are Native Americans are, in fact, North Americans, there are very many who are North Americans, but not at all of Native American descent.

What is the only native North American marsupial?

The North American Opossum, commonly called a possum, is the only modern native marsupial in North America.

What South American tribes used blowguns?

Do you mean north american native or south american native?

What plants are native to North America?

it is hard to know but almost all plants