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Birds use their wings in many ways and for many purposes. Their wings can be used to fly for migration, or leaving on place to go to another for a reason, perhaps to get to a safer environment. As a disadvantage, birds don't have the ability to elevate certain materials. The wings could also be used to fly in order to find safer places to live in or nest.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being able to fly around like a bird?
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What are the disadvantages of not being able to swim?

Being gang raped by dolphins or getting eaten by sharks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internal fertilisation?

It limits the amount of offspring being able to be produced at any one time. For example, humans cant walk around with 500 babies in their womb. Another example is that if the species has a threatening disease it is more likely to be spread via internal reproduction than external reprodution

What are the advantages and disadvantages of breeding animals until they are purebred?

Many animals are born with serious mental and physical problems as well as not being able to produce and they can become mentally ill. If enough of this happened, the animals could be extinct. SO DON'T FORCE BREED. ;)

Disadvantages of using animals in medical tests?

Some disadvantages of using animals in medical tests are the animals are held captive or killed, it is costly, the substances tested may never be used and the differences between animals and humans. A few advantages are researchers are able to find drugs and drugs are ensured to be safe.

What are the disadvantages of a animal cop?

The disadvantages of being an animal cop, are, for one thing some of the animals might be able to hurt you. For example if they called you in and there was a dog who was hurting these people, you might get hurt from that. Also, it might be a messy job like, you half to crawl under a deck or a dirty house or something to get an animal. Another bad thing is you never know when you have to work. For instance at three o clock in the morning they call you in to get an animal. Mostly, you never work when you want to. That's the disadvantages of being a animal cop! If you would like the good things of being an animal cop post it on to! By Sassy Cassie

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