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they have equal advantages over each other because animals get eaten by other animals and animals eat plants plants make there own food so they are equal

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Q: Does a plant have an advantage over animals Or do animals have an advantage over plants?
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Coal Power plants are cheaper to build.

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The advantage that vascular plants have and non vascular plants don't, is a specialized tissue that transports water throughout the plant.

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What advantage does a vascular plant have over a non vascular plant-?

Vascular plants have xylem and phloem, thus allowing the plant to live on land and not only in watery-marshy areas. Vascular plants are also able to grow bigger and taller.

Animals and plants have been using water for million years why dont we run out?

The plant has over 70% of water stored in it.

What happens to plants and animals when humans make a major change in the environment?

it will affect the food chain if people take over plants plant eating animals will die then carnivores will die because they eat meat a+ extinction

How does plants depend on animals?

Plants require their seeds to be spread around in order to flourish. When animals eat the plant's fruit, which contains its seeds, the animals will then spread the seed when they excrete waste. This allows plants to continue to survive. The above is only one way. Plants cannot survive without animals because of the nutrients they get from the wastes animals deposit and when animals themselves eventually die. Nutrients like nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are important to plant growth in different levels, and often cannot be obtained by themselves. Animals can also facilitate growth and productivity by herbivory, such as what occurs in grasslands. Animals create a disturbance regime that plants such as grasses take advantage of to grow and to be able to compete with other plants growing in their vicinity. Animals also control the growth and/or encroachment of plant species that should not exist in a certain environment and the invasion of certain species that, if left untouched, will eventually push out other species and reduce biodiversity of the landscape.

What do animals depend on angiosperms for?

Plants provide food and shelter for animals, and as they photosynthesize, regulate the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As food producers, plants are eaten by herbivores, which in turn become food for the omnivores and carnivores. Plants are also the homes of many animals, small and big. Plants provide shelter from predators and harsh factors of the environment, like the hot sun, cold snow and torrential rain. When plants photosynthesize, they take in carbon dioxide and give out the fresh oxygen that all the animals need for respiration. Plants are crucial for the health of all animals. On the other hand, plants depend on animals for nutrients, pollination and seed dispersal, and as the animals consume plants, they regulate the numbers of different species of plants. While plants provide oxygen for the animals as they photosynthesize, animals respire and give out carbon dioxide for plants to make food with. It is an interdependent relationship here. This is not to say that plants do not respire themselves. They do, it is just that the amount of carbon dioxide they give out is not enough for the plants to make enough food with. As such, plants need animals. Also, when animals die, they decompose and become natural fertilizers for plants. Being pretty much immobile, plants also depend on animals to pollinate them for reproduction. And when the fertilized plants eventually produce seeds encased in fruits, animals eat them or carry them along on their fur, dispersing the seeds far and wide, ensuring the continuity of the plant species.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of stray animals?

There is no real advantage to stray animals. Stray animals over populate areas and they can cause a threat to human health.

How are plant cells differ from animials cells?

Plants are unique from animals because plants have a special outer layer over the membrane called a cell wall. also plants have larger vacuoles then animal cells

What is an advantage of coal power plants over nuclear power plants?

Coal Power plants are cheaper to build.

What are three survival advantages that seed producing plants have over non seed producing plants?

when a seed begins to grow, the young plant uses the food stored in the seed. the spores of seedless plants don't have stored food to help a new plant grow. seeds can be spread by animals. the spores of a seedless plant are spread by wind. animals spread more efficiently than the wind spreads spores.