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In budding, the new organism is from the old organism, it's kind of sprouting out. The cytoplasm is split unevenly

Binary fission is when the organism separate to form two new organisms. Here the cytoplasm is split evenly.

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7y ago
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11y ago

Budding- When new organisms come from breaking off of old organisms. It normally only breaks into a few pieces.

Fragmentation- A form of Asexual Reproduction wherein a parent organism breaks into fragments. This can have quite a few fragments overall.

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15y ago

Binary Fission & Budding are both forms of asexual reproduction. Binary Fission is the splitting of the cell with mitosis followed by cytokinesis. Whereas, budding is the outgrowth of a new cell from the surface of an old one. -Will

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12y ago

Budding is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism grows on another one. The new organism remains attached as it grows, separating from the parent organism only when it is mature. Since the reproduction is asexual, the newly created organism is a clone and is genetically identical to the parent organism. A new organism grows from an outgrowth or bud on the parent.

Fragmentation or Clonal Fragmentation in multicellular or colonial organisms is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning where an organism is split into fragments. Each of these fragments develop into mature, fully grown individuals that are clones of the original organism.

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14y ago

In budding, the new organism is from the old organism.

In binary fission, the old organism separate to form two new organisms.

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13y ago

budding : the new organism is formed from the parent cell

fission : the parent cell is separated to form to new organisms

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9y ago

Budding produces unequal cells while fission produces equal cells .

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Fragmentation and budding are forms of what?

Fragmentation and budding are forms of asexual reproduction seen in certain organisms, such as fungi and some animals. In fragmentation, the organism breaks into pieces that develop into new individuals, while in budding, a part of the organism grows out and separates to form a new individual.

What are the pattern of asexual reproduction?

fission,budding and fragmentation

Sponges can reproduce asexually by?

budding or fragmentation. Budding involves the growth of a new sponge from the parent sponge, while fragmentation occurs when a piece of the sponge breaks off and grows into a new sponge.

How can one parent produce an offspring?

Budding, fragmentation and regeneration.

What are three form of asexual reproduction mentioned?

The three forms of asexual reproduction are budding, fission, and fragmentation.

List four types of asexual reproduction?

cell division fragmantation hormogonia budding

What are two examples of a asexual reproduction in many called orgnanism?

Two examples of asexual reproduction in multicellular organisms are budding in yeast and fragmentation in starfish. Budding involves the development of a new individual from a small outgrowth on the parent organism, while fragmentation is when a new organism grows from a fragment of the parent organism.

What are the methods in asexual reproduction?

Binary fission Multi fission Budding Fragmentation Parthenogenesis. Are some .There are many in plants too.

Methods of asexual reproduction found in fungi are?

Asexual reproduction in fungi can occur through methods such as binary fission, fragmentation, budding, or spore formation. These methods allow fungi to reproduce rapidly and efficiently, especially in favorable environmental conditions.

Is archaebacteria asexual or sexual?

Archaebacteria reproduce asexually through binary fission or budding. They do not engage in sexual reproduction.

A type of Asexual reproduction were a portion of the organism splits off to organism is called?

There are several forms of asexual reproduction: binary fission (two equal individuals are formed), budding, vegetative reproduction, and fragmentation. Fragmentation seems to fit your question.

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