

Best Answer
CrocodilesAfrican Slender-snouted Crocodile

(Crocodylus cataphractus)

American Crocodile

(Crocodylus acutus)

Australian Freshwater Crocodile

(Crocodylus johnstoni)

Cuban Crocodile

(Crocodylus rhombifer)

Dwarf Crocodile

(Osteolaemus tetraspis)

Morelet's Crocodile

(Crocodylus moreletii)

Mugger Crocodile

(Crocodylus palustris)

New Guinea Freshwater Crocodile

(Crocodylus novaeguineae)

Nile Crocodile

(Crocodylus niloticus)

Orinoco Crocodile

(Crocodylus intermedius)

Philippine Crocodile

(Crocodylus mindorensis)

Saltwater Crocodile

(Crocodylus porosus)

Siamese Crocodile

(Crocodylus siamensis)

Tomistoma (False Gharial)

(Tomistoma schlegelii)

AlligatorsAmerican Alligator

(Alligator mississippiensis)

Chinese Alligator

(Alligator sinensis)

CaimansBlack Caiman

(Melanosuchus Niger)

Broad-snouted Caiman

(Caiman latirostris)

Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman

(Paleosuchus palpebrosus)

Schneider's Smooth-fronted Caiman

(Paleosuchus trigonatus)

Spectacled Caiman

(Caiman crocodilus)

Yacare Caiman

(Caiman yacare)

GharialIndian Gharial

(Gavialis gangeticus)

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14y ago
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13y ago

There are 23 different crocodilian species out there but there are 220 dwarf crocodiles left in this world. There are 200 saltwater crocodiles left, but there are a total of 7 different types of crocodiles. the Indo-pasific or the Saltwater, the Swamp, The Nile, The Cuban, The Morelet, The Ornoco, and The American.

So There are 8 different types of crocodiles in the world.

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3w ago

There are three main types of crocodiles: saltwater crocodiles, Nile crocodiles, and American crocodiles. Saltwater crocodiles are the largest species, found in Australia, Southeast Asia, and the eastern coast of India. Nile crocodiles are primarily found in Africa, while American crocodiles inhabit parts of North, Central, and South America.

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7y ago

There are 15 species of crocodile, all of them endangered, found in tropical parts of Africa, Asia, Australia, and Central America. The largest is the saltwater (indopacific) crocodileCrocodylus porosus, which can grow to 7 m/23 ft or more, and is found in eastern India, Australia, and the western Pacific, in both freshwater and saltwater habitats.

The Nile crocodile C. niloticus is found in Africa and reaches 6 m/20 ft.

The American crocodile C. acutus, about 4.6 m/15 ft long, is found from southern Florida to Ecuador. The gavial, or gharial, Gavialis gangeticus is sometimes placed in a family of its own. It is an Indian species that grows to 6.5 m/21 ft or more, and has a very long narrow snout specialized for capturing and eating fish.

The Cuban crocodile C. rhombifer has a short snout, grows up to 3.5 m/11.5 ft, and lives in freshwater swamps in Cuba.

Morelet's crocodile C. moreletti is found in Central America, where it is overhunted, and grows up to 3.5 m/11.5 ft. Johnston's crocodile C. johnstoni is an Australian crocodile that feeds mainly on fish and reaches up to 3 m/9.75 ft in length.

The Siamese crocodile C. siamensis is found in the wild in Cambodia and Laos. These populations consist of only a few hundred crocodile, making the Siamese one of the most endangered crocodile species.

The Philippine crocodile C. mindorensis is found in the Philippine Islands and grows to just under 3 m/9.75 ft. C. palustris is an Indian crocodile resembling the Nile crocodile but smaller, reaching up to 4 m/13 ft.

The Orinoco crocodile C. intermedius grows up to 6 m/19.5 ft. Tomistoma schlegelli is found in rivers in India and Indochina and grows up to 4 m/13 ft.

The African slender-snouted crocodile C. cataphractusgrows up to 4 m/13 ft and is found in western and central Africa.

Osteolaemus tetraspis, the dwarf crocodile, reaches only 2 m/6.6 ft in length and is found in the tropical forests of west and central Africa.

The New Guinea crocodile C. novaguineae reaches 7 m/23 ft in length.
There are 12 species of 'true' crocodiles which come under the genus Crocodylus, which are the Nile, the Saltwater, the Freshwater, the Cuban, the Philippine, the New Guinea, the Siamese, the American, the Orinoco, the Slender Snouted, the Mugger and the Morelet's Crocodiles. There are two others to which there are some dispute, which are the West African Dwarf Crocodile and the False Gharial.

There are also two 'true' Alligators (American and Chinese), the Indian Gharial and 6 species of Caiman, which include the Black, the Common (also known as the Spectacled), the Broad snouted, the Yacare, the Cuvier's Dwarf and the Schneider's Dwarf Caiman totalling 23 species in all.
In the world their are 23 crocodiles but in Australia their are 2 the Estuarine crocodile and the Johnsons crocodile which both live in salt and fresh water.
There are 23 types of crocodilians. Of these, two are alligators, six are caimans (South American alligator relatives), fourteen are crocodiles and one is a gharial (a thin-snouted fish-eater from India).
There is 13 different types (species) of crocodiles.
Their are 23 different species of crocodile.
I think you mean how many crocodilian species there are so... There are 14 species of crocodiles and here they are: American crocodile African slender-snouted crocodile Orinoco crocodile Australian freshwater crocodile Philippine crocodile Morelet's crocodile Nile crocodile New Guinea crocodile Marsh crocodile Australian saltwater crocodile Cuban crocodile Siamese crocodile African dwarf crocodile Tomistoma There are 2 species of alligators and species of caimans: Chinese alligator American alligator Yacare caiman Spectacled caiman Broad-snouted caiman Black caiman Dwarf caiman

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14y ago

Alligators, Nile crocodiles and normal ones

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15y ago

The name of the larger group of reptiles is called crocodilians, that consits of crocodiles, alligators (including caimans), and gharials.

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12y ago

Salt water and fresh water

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13y ago

There are 15 different species.

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How many types of Crocodile are there?

There are 23 different crocodilian species out there but there are 220 dwarf crocodiles left in this world. There are 200 saltwater crocodiles left, but there are a total of 7 different types of crocodiles. the Indo-pasific or the Saltwater, the Swamp, The Nile, The Cuban, The Morelet, The Ornoco, and The American. So There are 8 different types of crocodiles in the world.

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Alligators are cousins of the crocodile. They look similar, but crocodiles are usually bigger and more aggressive. Crocodiles also live in warmer climates. The different types of crocodiles are also considered cousins. Ghanials, gayials and caimans are also cousins of the crocodile. Crocodiles and its cousins are also cousins to the dinosaurs.

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They are just called crocodiles because all crocodiles are cold-blooded. Although they are called crocodiles, there are different species of crocodiles.

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The name of the larger group of reptiles is called crocodilians, that consits of crocodiles, alligators (including caimans), and gharials.

Do crocodiles live in swamps or salt waters?

There are different kinds of crocodiles. They all live in different environments.

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They fought many animals such as lions or tigers I don't believe crocodiles were one of them.

What are three types of reptiles in Florida?

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Why are saltwater crocodiles more aggressive than freshwater crocodiles?

Because it is a different species of crocodile and different species behave differently.

What animals are in the river nile?

There are crocodiles , birds, rhinos, lizards, turtles, 15 species of venomous snakes, hippos and different types of fish. Hopefully this helped :)

What types of animals live in the amazon river?

Crocodiles, Snakes, Fish.

What types of food do crocodiles eat?

meat and fish