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the place where a plant lives is called its habitat.

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Q: What are the plants to make the habitats?
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How do plants become habitats for animals?

Plants become habitats for animals by giving energy for animals

Why can seeds live in more habitats than seedless plants?

seed plants do not depend on moist habitats for reproduction way seedless plants do.

What are the plants that live in saline habitats?

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What methods have been used to conserve genetic resources?

Conservation are important to make sure that plant and animal resources are available in the future. It is important to maintain the plants and animals in their natural habitats, as well as outside of their habitats.

Where do Penguins make their habitats?

penguins make their habitats in club penguin and their igloos

How do dead plants and animals contribute to their habitats?

They r decomposes

Where do plants and animals live?

Plants and animals live in ecosystems. habitats

What are the kinds of plants that help the tigers in its habitats?

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Molecular phylogenies show all land plants are a monophyletic group This suggests that . A. there was a single transition from aquatic to terrestrial habitats B. land plants have undergone?

There was a single transition from aquatic to terrestrial habitats

Why would people change land forms?

1. They can make dams, carve mountains, farm land, make roads, and build houses, but we are taking away habitats from plants and animals.