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Mammals and birds are the two classes of animals that are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

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Q: What are the two endothermic animal classes?
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What is a endothernic animal?

A animal that maintains a constant body temperature is called endothermic animal. A endothermic animal is also called homeothermic animal. Example: Aves and mammals are the only animals that are endothermic.

Is a maned wolf endothermic or ectothermic?

Yes. A wolf is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

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The albatross is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a bird, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

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A black bear is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

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A cougar is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Why are panda endothermic?

A panda is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic vertebrates. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Are penguin exothermic or endothermic?

A duck is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a bird, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Is a porcupine an endothermic animal?

Yes. A porcupine is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Is a whale an endotherm or exotherm?

Yes. A dolphin is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Are porcupines ectothermic or endothermic?

A porcupine is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.