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Probably the tufted titmouse, although it is more gray than brown.

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Q: What bird looks like a small female cardnial?
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ohio's bird is a red cardnial

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Canaries are not sexually dimorphic. They look the same as the males.

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You have described a female cardinal. Females are not red.

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What birds have a black and yellow tail?

Female American Redstarts, if it's a small, dark flitty bird.

What is the female name for a bird?

If you mean, "what is the name for a female bird," the answer is "hen."

How can you distinguish a female bird from a male bird?

Mostly a female bird has less color and the male bird is more colorful.

What is a female bird?

Normally a female bird has duller colors than a male bird of it's type =)