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Well if you don't trust any pet hotels, then get a friend that knows how to take care of a cat that can come over to your house every day. First before you leave make sure the cat likes the person and the person likes the cat and ask her/him to come over to your house every day and change their litter and fill up their food and try it out if it doesn't work keep trying different people and try to get the same person tom come over every time so the cat doesn't mind you leaving.

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Q: What can I do with my calico cat that is very attached to me while I go on vacation?
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How long do calico cats live?

From what I understand calico cats are all female. There are no male calico cats.thats not completely true ..male calico cats are born very rarely about 1-3000 calico cat births..they are always sterile so they are not worth any money..Actually, a few male calico/tortoiseshell cats arefertile. They are more likely the result of mosaicism rather than an XXY chromosomal anomaly, which causes infertility. Whatever the cause, though, they still aren't particularly valuable, because neither a chromosomal anomaly or a developmental anomaly like mosaicism is a genetic trait that can be passed on to their offspring.

Can calico cats be boys?

Yes they can, but male calicos are very rare. Calico is not a breed, its a coat pattern that needs two x chromosomes, in order to make a male you need an x and a y but sometimes ( every one and 3,000 ) you will find a male calico with two x chromosomes. If you are lucky enough to have a male calico they are worth thousands and thousands of dollars. they are nicknamed "million dollare cat" "money kittey" and "pay check cat"

Can cats make you sterile?

There are calico cats, but they are rare and usually infertile. Calico coloring on a cat is caused by a "orange" gene on one X chromosome and a "black/white" gene on another X chromosome - hence, two X chromosomes are needed for a calico cat, which makes it female. Rarely, cats can receive two X chromosomes and a Y (XXY), giving it calico coloring but a male gender.

Are calico males rare?

Males and females have different chromosomes, and the calico pattern is pretty much locked to the female chromosomes. Coat color in cats is a sex-linked trait. The genetic coding for displaying black or orange color is found on the X chromosome. The coding for white is a completely separate gene. Since males have only one X chromosome, they can only be orange OR black. Males cats with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome can turn out to be calico, but they are usually sterile.

Do calico cats get along?

Calico cats are mostly female because of genetics. The term calico refers to a cat that is three colors, now it is possible for male cats to be calico, but it is a rare condition. The X chromosomes display the colors orange and black, and the white is in a totally separate gene. Because female cats have two x chromosomes (xx) they are able to display two colors along with white. now, it is more complicated than that, but that's that basics of it.. although male cats have an x and a y chromosome (xy) the event that male cats have two x chromosomes and a y chromosome (xxy) is very rare, and they are normally sterile. which means they cant breed. there is a similar condition in humans called Klinefelter's syndrome, or XXY Syndrome.

Related questions

How do calico cats live?

they live like any other cats live.

Can a purebred Scottish Fold have a van calico coat?

Yes, it is very possible that a Scottish Fold can have a van calico cat.

How rare is your calico and striped cat?

not very i have 12 :)))))

When a cat that has spots of more than one color it has what?

A cat of many colors is call a Calico cat. The Calico colour is usually found in females, and very rare in males.

Are calico cats popular?

Calico cats are very popular they are known to be the most docile of felines, and their colors tend to change in the summer months,

What can you make from 1 meter from calico?

A rather small calico dress, a short skirt, a top, some cushions, a curtain or blind for a very small window.

Is the Cadillac STS a good place to stay while on vacation ?

Well, Cadillac STS is an excellent place to stay while on vacation because it is very spacious. There are also many functions and features. There are a lot of things you can do on your stay.

Where is a good place to buy vacation backpackers insurance?

Having a backpackers insurance policy is very important to assure that you are safe while on vacation. A good place to buy vacation backpackers insurance is at Lonely Planet Insurance.

If you have a male calico cat where could you sell it?

There is no such thing as a male calico cat unless it has a birth mark some where that makes its skin one different color somewhere on a two toned cat then it would be a two toned cat with a birth mark that makes it look calico. All three colored cats are females. No ands ors or buts about it. Dear Prof Rowan, You are incorrect, while male calico's are rare they do occur. The color gene for calico's occur on the X gene, XXY males exist and can be calico. I have seen male calico's, not bicolored male cats with a "birthmark" but tricolored multi patched true calico's. yeah so where you sell um you didnt help at all

Are Calico cats friendly?

Yes very! I think they are the best cats for young children.

Where is the Calico Critters Townhouse located at?

"Calico Critters Townhouse are located in Los Angeles, California. They are highly rated townhouses and are a little bit on the expensive side. They are very nice on the inside."

Does anyone have a male calico cat?

The Calico cat is very likely to be female. It is a genetic trait that seems to be tied into the same genetics that govern their coat color.